

Fred "Jewish Cabal" Malek Hosts Todd Palin and Mark Sanford Tonight in McLean

Friday, May 8, 2009

Well, isn't this just lovely?
Republican fundraiser Fred Malek invited Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, both potential GOP presidential candidates in 2012, to break bread together at his McLean, Va., home Friday night.

Sanford’s office confirmed he’ll be there. Palin is staying back in Alaska due to serious ice-jam flooding and instead sending her husband, Todd. He’ll also take her place at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Palin’s office said Thursday.
Who's Fred Malek, you ask? Well, aside from serving as John McCain's presidential campaign's finance committee co-chair in 2008, he's also donated $171,000 to Virginia Republicans since 1996. But Malek is most (in)famous for this:
In 1971, Richard Nixon became convinced the Bureau of Labor Statistics had come under the control of Democratic rivals and even a "Jewish cabal." He instructed aides Charles Colson and H. R. Haldeman to identify a list of Democrats and "important Jewish officials" at the agency.

Malek provided the data on Democrats after a check of voter registration rolls, but balked at fulfilling the rest of Nixon's query. "I refused four times. The fifth time he came back and gave me a direct order through Haldeman, so I gave him a number. I regret my compliance. It was a mistake." Two months after he sent the list, two of the officials on it were reassigned to "less visible jobs" within the Labor Dept. Slate columnist Timothy Noah, however, asserts that a September 8, 1971 memo from Malek to Haldeman appears to contradict Malek's assertions of limited involvement, in which Malek states he has recommended to the Secretary of Labor "fairly drastic moves" including the "compromise" reassignment of three officials.
Should be a fun dinner: Alaska secessionist Todd Palin, "last of the true believers" Mark Sanford, and former "Jewish cabal" hunter Fred Malek. Bon appetit! :)