A few weeks ago, the Bikers for Bill Sponsors blog posted a diary claiming that 47th House of Delegates district candidate Patrick Hope supported the repeal of mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclists. I found that particularly surprising because Hope is an Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. I presume, therefore, that Hope knows how many people die every year because they're not wearing helmets, how much injuries to helmetless motorcyclists that don't have insurance costs taxpayers every year.
Anyway, I contacted Patrick Hope and asked him for comment. Here's what he said:
Lowell - THANK YOU for pointing this out to me!! Repealing VA's helmet law is definitely NOT my position. I contacted the individual who posted the mistake and they agreed to take it down immediately. They appropriately apologized for any inconvenience.I also contacted the anti-helmet-law blogger, who blogs pseudonymously but whose name I discovered (but won't reveal publicly), and he wrote:
A couple of days ago I accidentally published a blog entry about Patrick Hope that was way off base. When this mistake was brought to my attention, I immediately deleted the blog entry.OK, fine. End of story, right? I mean, Hope denied it, the blogger said he screwed up. What else is there? I'm glad you asked! :)
I personally apologized to Patrick Hope for my error, and I assume full responsibility for not checking the facts first. So I sincerely apologize to you as well if I have cause you any inconvience or embarassment.
First off, this blogger obviously cares passionately about the issue of repealing mandatory helmet laws. In fact, from what I've heard, he said he would endorse whichever 47th district candidate agrees with him on that issue. Next thing you know, a big sign goes up on his apartment balcony in a highly visible part of Ballston, near the Metro. Now, I wouldn't normally show this photo because of privacy issues (and I will NOT reveal the address or the blogger's name), but in this case it's already on Patrick Hope's website, in the "Endorsements" section no less! And Hope obviously knows who this person is, because he immediately emailed him when I questioned him about the blog post. Hmmmm.
By the way, that same balcony featured another prominent display, promoting Ron Paul for President, last December [note: it's goes without saying that a fiercely anti-government Ron Paul supporter wouldn't be supporting Hope for his stands on the environment, human services, education, etc]. See here for video of that. How do I know that this is the same building in Ballston? Because in the comments section of that video, "mojofilter" (the one who posted the video) writes:
It's in Arlington VA, just a few blocks from Ron Paul 2008 headquarters. For Washingtonians, catch the Orange Line Metro to Ballston, go to the street corner and look up.As an added bonus, also on that same YouTube channel, is video of testimony by ABATE of Virginia (slogan: "A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments") on HB1173, which would have allowed certain adults to ride helmet free.
So, what's the deal here? Does Patrick Hope support repealing mandatory helmet laws or not? What did he tell this single-issue (anti-helmet-law) blogger to get his support? Why does his official campaign website feature a photo of said anti-helmet-law/pro-Ron Paul/anti-government blogger's balcony with a large Hope banner? Also, in the wake of the Hope campaign attempting to use the ACDC name (which is totally not cool or permissible, and obviously did not make the ACDC very happy) in one of its fundraisers, here's a lingering question: does the Hope campaign only do the right thing after it gets called out? I mean, nobody doubts Patrick Hope's commitment to community service, but whether he can run a serious campaign for delegate is getting more questionable by the day.