Tuesday, August 4, 2009
NLS on the Direct Mail
NLS has some thoughts on the direct mail coming out of the Deeds and McDonnell campaigns. Personally, I think the big misconception here is to assume that this is a "continuity" election, when all indications nationwide from 2008 and this year as well are that it's a CHANGE election, in which people are anxious, scared, angry, and definitely don't want to see the "same ol' same ol'" trotted out. What I'd do is strongly lay out Creigh's vision, including the areas he'd change, especially how he'd work with the Republican-controlled House of Delegates more effectively than Governor Kaine did the past four years (when almost nothing - transportation, education, etc. - got done, thanks mainly to the flat earthers in the HoD. I'd also lay out why Bob McDonnell and that entire ticket is far-right-wing extreme, Pat Robertson/Geroge W. Bush/Catherine Crabill Republicans, etc. Then I'd say, "That's NOT the kind of change we need!" Original? No. Effective? I believe so.