
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Out of Touch GOP Watch: Sotomayor Vote Count

Posted by The Green Miles

Sonia Sotomayor is indestructible*. What else to conclude? Even after months of Republican attacks and intense media focus on the most minor of "gaffes," opposition to her confirmation remains weak. Only 30 percent of Americans oppose Sotomayor's nomination to become the first Hispanic and only the third female to sit on the Supreme Court.

Even among rank-and-file Republicans, opposition isn't overwhelming. Exactly half oppose Sotomayor, with a full 40 percent favoring confirmation.

In fact, there's only one place where opposition to Sotomayor runs deep -- the Senate Republican caucus. Just yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) announced he'll vote against Sotomayor.

Only six Senate Republicans have announced they'll support Sotomayor -- just 15 percent. If that number holds, it would mean the average Senate Republican is nearly three times more likely to oppose Sotomayor than a rank-and-file Republican. Senate Republicans are so far out of touch, they're far to the right of the Republican mainstream!

By the way, since Bob McDonnell wants to make the race for governor about national issues instead of his divisive partisan record here in Virginia, why doesn't someone ask him how he'd vote on Sotomayor? With the American people to confirm her? Or with Senate Republicans to oppose? I'm sure Virginia's growing Hispanic population would like a yes or no answer.

* - OK, except for her ankle