
Monday, August 3, 2009

PPP: "Creigh Deeds is not doing well"

PPP will be out with its new Virginia poll "in the morning," but here's what they're saying now.

*"Creigh Deeds is not doing well."

*"Last week I was skeptical of SurveyUSA's poll showing an electorate that voted for John McCain 52-43...but we actually found it at a 52-41 McCain advantage."

*"...there's basically an 18 point enthusiasm gap for turning out this fall between McCain voters and Obama voters at this point."

How do we turn this around? I've got a bunch of thoughts on this subject, but for now I'll summarize it as follows: 1) absolutely pound the crap out of the myth that Bob McDonnell is a born-again "moderate;" 2) tie Bob McDonnell to every "birther," "tea partier," and other conservative crackpot out there; 3) make Ken "won't get our child a Social Security number" Cuccinelli the poster child of this ticket; 4) make sure that everyone knows how extreme these Republican candidates are; 5) also make sure that everyone knows how much Bob McDonnell admires Bush-o-Nomics; and 6) rev up all three Democratic statewide candidates to fight hard for Democratic core values, including Barack Obama's top priorities (health care and energy/climate), all across Virginia.

P.S. NLS reports that Deeds will be down double digits to McDonnell.