
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My New Favorite U.S. Senator?

We know that this is probably — along with the ExxonMobil board room — the last place that sober people debate whether or not these problems are real, but we intend to work with you anyway, and we hope to give you strong legislative support if we can.
Thank you, Senator Whitehouse, for stating what we all know but which - pathetically - needs to be said out loud. Thank you also for clearly setting forth what's at stake here: 1) "the earth's climate is being changed by carbon pollution is simply wrong not to act"; 2) "right now, polluters are allowed to pollute for free;" 3) "a new economy beckons with clean energy jobs and a future of energy independence for this country"; and 4) "we have the choice to be on the front end or the tail end of progress."

h/t: ThinkProgress