
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Felix Macacawitz": The Book

Ha, this should be fun.
Former Gov. and U.S. Sen. George Allen has signed a contract to publish a book drawing parallels between politics and sports.

The book, "The Triumph of Character: What Washington Can Learn from the World of Sports," is scheduled to be released by Regnery Publishing next June.
Just to be helpful, here are a few possible chapter titles.

*"Using The 'N Word' Habitually: How Not To Succeed (Or Make Friends) In Sports Or In Politics"
*"There Are No Cowboys In Virginia, But That Never Stopped Me From Pretending To Be One"
*"Slower Than A Wounded Sea Slug: How The U.S. Senate Is Just Like A Washington Nationals Game"
*"Running For President Before You've Won Reelection To The U.S. Senate: On Getting Overconfident And Losing A Huge Lead In Sports Or Politics"
*"The Fish Rots From The Head Down: How A Political Campaign Or Sports Team Is Only As Good (Or In My Case Bad) As the Guy At The Top"
*"It's Not Smart To Tell Your Customers Or Voters That They're Not 'Real' [Virginians] [Redskins Fans] [Whatever]."
*"I May Not Be Who I Said I Was, But I Still Ate A Ham Sandwich For Lunch: Lessons On Knowing Who You Are And Playing Within Yourself"

Please feel free to leave your suggested chapter titles in the comments section. I'm sure that "Felix Macacawitz" will appreciate it greatly.