Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Video: Al Franken Sworn In
Congratulations to Senator Franken. Now, with 60 votes, let's watch as the Democratic agenda of clean energy, high-quality health care for all Americans, investing in our nation's crumbling infrastructure (both physical and human), winning the war in Afghanistan, "resetting" our relations with the rest of the world, and ultimately restoring fiscal sanity after years of Republican profligacy, sails through the U.S. Senate. Wait a minute, someone's whispering in my ear that 60 votes isn't enough, we need 70, or 80, or 100 votes? Well, sorry, but if Republicans could manage to push through their right-wing agenda for rich people with 51 votes time and time again, there's no reason why we can't do the same for a strong progressive agenda that will benefit all Americans. Thank you, end of rant, and once again, congratulations Senator Franken!