
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alfonso Lopez Not Running in 47th District

I just got back from the Arlington County Democratic Committee meeting, which was absolutely packed by the way. I spoke with top Kaine aide Alfonso Lopez and confirmed that he will not be a candidate for the 47th House of Delegates district seat being vacated by incumbent Al Eisenberg, who is retiring. That leaves the present Democratic field in the 47th as: Miles Grant, Patrick Hope, Alan Howze, Adam Parkhomenko, and Andres Tobar. The question now, with Alfonso deciding not to seek the nomination, is where will his supporters go. My guess is that the other candidates will be wooing them heavily in days to come.

P.S. I previewed this race on Monday. Click here if you're interested.

P.P.S. I'm uploading the speeches now. Unfortunately, my Flip video camera reached its limit in the middle of Jody Wagner's speech, but fortunately, Bryan Scrafford captured it all and told me he'll upload it to YouTube. See, having multiple bloggers at an event can be a good thing! :)