
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Signer, Edmonson Put Out Detailed Plans

Earlier today, two of the Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor put out detailed plans on specific issues. First, Pat Edmonson issued "Education in a 21st Century Virginia: A Blueprint for Real Change". The key aspects of Edmonson's plan are:

1. "[P]rovide, and then require, PreK education for every child in Virginia."
2. "[R]ecognize the different learning patterns of students, and will recognize that not all Virginia children learn the same way or at the same pace."
3. "[R]evolutionize Virginia’s middle school program, turning these schools into Junior Academies."
4. "[R]evolutionize Virginia’s High Schools, turning these institutions into Academies which will focus on preparing children for further educational opportunities or vocational training."
5. "[W]ork to make College level education a reality for all Virginia students."
6. "[C]reate a better educated Virginia, one which will attract more business and industry."
7. "[E]nsure that opportunities for educational advancement are available to adults."

Now, I'm no expert on education, so I'll defer to someone who is. Having said that, I commend Pat Edmonson for issuing a detailed plan on such a crucial issue. That's exactly what campaigns should be about, at least in an ideal world (wait, we don't live in the "best of all possible worlds?" - lol).

Second, Mike Signer has issued his plan for "A New Economy for a New Dominion". The goal of Signer's plan is "to create at least 50,000 new jobs in Virginia by 2011," and he spells those out in detail.

1. Infrastructure Jobs (20,000 new jobs by 2011)
2. Energy Efficiency (5,000 new jobs by 2011)
3. Smart Grid Jobs (5,000 new jobs by 2011)
4. Health IT Jobs (5,000 new jobs by 2011)
5. Rural Jobs (5,000 jobs by 2011)
6. Military Construction Jobs (5,000 jobs by 2011)
7. Environmental Restoration Jobs (5,000 jobs by 2011)

This is great stuff, definitely focusing on the right areas - health care, energy, environment, rural areas. Again, as with Pat Edmonson's education plan, you may not agree with everything Mike Signer says, but at least he's putting out his ideas in detail for people to discuss.

Good work by Mike Signer and Pat Edmonson. I hope to see more of this from the other LG candidates!