
Friday, February 20, 2009

"Almost unhinged," "one-woman wrecking crew" vs. Margi Vanderhye?

Just in case you missed it, Del. Margi Vanderhye (D-34th) - a strong progressive and a rising star in the General Assembly, having been elected in November 2007 - is being challenged by a Republican named Barbara Comstock. Who is Barbara Comstock? First, here's what the Washington Post had to say about her:
Since joining the GOP, Comstock has become a kind of one-woman wrecking crew targeting Democratic leaders.
Second, check this out from SourceWatch:
David Brock, in his memoir, Blinded by the Right, "described Comstock as almost unhinged in her passion to bring down the Clintons."
Finally, as if all that's not bad enough, here is TPM Muckracker on Comstock:
While at the RNC, she became a "close associate" of Monica Goodling, the Christian conservative lawyer and Muckraker favorite who later would help keep the Bush Justice Department stocked with good Republicans.

Comstock herself also moved to the Bush DOJ, in 2001, to run the department's public affairs operation -- doggedly stiffing reporters as they sought information on the administration's aggressive tactics in the War on Terror.

After leaving Justice, Comstock spent some time helping then-GOP Majority Leader Tom Delay play defense on a host of ethics problems.

Next, Comstock helped run Scooter Libby's legal defense fund, formed to help Libby fight charges that he illegally leaked the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame for political purposes.
Tom DeLay AND Scooter Libby? Sounds like a winner, eh? Yeah, this should be fun... :)

P.S. Oh yeah, Comstock was also a top aide to that noted non-moderate "moderate," Frank Wolf. Does that make Comstock a wolf in Wolf's clothing or something?