Ken Cuccinelli: We've got a majority leader now in [Senate Majority Leader Dick] Saslaw [D] in the Senate who 2007, "property rights don't belong in the constitution;" he said that two days in a row. Constitutions are a real pain for socialists. They really get in the way of all the utopian idea they've got.What next, Northern Virginia is "communist country?" Oh wait, Joe McCain already tried that line and we see how well it worked out for his brother and him. :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cooch Calls Dick Saslaw a "socialist"
An instant classic, courtesy of far-right-wing Republican, State Senator Ken "Talk to the Elephant" Cuccinelli (also running for Attorney General), this past Sunday night on WFIR 960 AM with Brian Gottstein during the inaugural show of Freedom and Prosperity Radio (960AM WFIR). Here's a partial transcript: