
Friday, February 20, 2009

Two Good Tweets by David Englin

I liked both of David Englin's latest "tweets", both on nonpartisan redistricting reform.

1. "appreciates Fightin' Joe Morrissey calling out Rs on nonpartisan redistricting reform, which David voted for and Rs killed in subcommittee."

2. "appreciates Del. Shannon Valentine's eloquent floor remarks about nonpartisan redistricting. Nonpartisan redistricting = good government."

Thanks to Joe Morrissey and Shannon Valentine for their remarks, and to David Englin for "tweeting" about them.

Meanwhile, the fact that "Rs killed [nonpartisan redistricting] in subcommittee" pretty much says it all about that party these days. "No" to every good idea - economic recovery, no smoking in restaurants and bars, protecting our environment, promoting energy efficiency and renewables, ensuring progressive taxation, you name it. Essentially, the Republican Party has become the party of "no" - no ideas, no positivity, no vision, no clue. Why would anyone vote Republican at this point? I honestly have no idea.

P.S. By the way, I really appreciate elected officials who "tweet," blog, and otherwise keep in constant communication with their constituents. It's so easy, there's really no reason not to...unless you're Jeff Frederick, that is, and say something self-defeating every time you open your mouth.