In part the problem is the Affordable Care Act approach is overly complicated, truly a Ruby Goldberg-esque contraption if I've ever see one. That alone handed the Republicans an easy (albeit idiotic) talking point to bash Democrats on, that this plan was thousands of pages long and that almost nobody had read it or understood it. Second, let's face it: this plan doesn't fundamentally get at the core problem in the U.S., which is that we spend more than basically any other advanced, industrialized country in exchange for WORSE OUTCOMES. As if that's not bad enough, this plan doesn't achieve universal coverage, nor does it truly "bend the cost curve" as it could have (e.g., with a robust public option). What a bargain, huh? Third, by mandating that people purchase coverage, but only from private/for-profit companies, we got the worst of all worlds: bad politics (e.g., Republican attacks and constitutional challenges, including from Virginia's own Ken Cuccinelli on the "individual mandate," which of course was a conservative idea to begin with but whatever...); and fundamentally bad policy (entrenching the private, for-profit health care industry without even offering a robust public option for people). Great, huh? Fourth, in part because it was made so ridiculously complicated, health care reform took wayyyy too long during 2009 and 2010, basically sucking up President Obama's first two years, when we also needed to be focusing on the economic recovery, comprehensive immigration reform, and - hello?!? - climate change! (also, why on earth did we spend months on end waiting for Max Baucus - huge blunder on that one). Again, I said all this at the time, so this isn't "Monday morning QB'ing." Today, if anything, it's even more mind boggling. What on earth was the White House - and other Democrats, including Bill Clinton, who predicted that once the plan was passed, people would LOVE it! - thinking on this? Fifth, the conservative Supreme Court made matters worse by making a key part of the ACA - Medicaid expansion - optional, not mandatory, for the states. So now we're fighting THAT battle as well, including right here in Virginia, where that issue will likely take up much of Gov.-elect McAuliffe's first year (or longer) in office. Finally, the way the ACA is constructed, it gives Republicans at both the federal AND state levels tons of opportunities to sabotage/derail healthcare reform's effective implementation - and boy have they done so! And now, as an added bonus, they're gearing up the cheap-shot (but possibly effective) attacks on Democrats up for reelection in 2014, including Virginia Senator Mark Warner (see this video, for instance). Great, huh? But, you say, the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") was the best our political system could have produced, given the Joe Liebermans and Blanche Lincolns and other insurance industry tools of the world (not to mention absolute Republican opposition to a health care plan that was largely modeled ontheir own freakin' ideas!). Except I'm not convinced this was the best our political system could have produced. Instead, why didn't we just do this? |