
Friday, February 6, 2015

Video: Sen. Ebbin, Delegates Keam, Sickles Speak at Atif Qarni for State Senate Office Opening

Here's some video from a great event this afternoon for teacher, Iraq combat veteran and former U.S. Marine Atif Qarni, as he opened his campaign office for Virginia State Senate in Manassas. This district, the 29th, has been represented by Chuck Colgan since 1976 -- almost 40 years! Colgan has now, at the age of 88, announced his retirment. This coming November, Democrats need to hold this seat. Although it went for Barack Obama and Tim Kaine (each got 63% of the vote) in 2012, for Mark Herring (59%-41%) in 2013, and for Mark Warner (56%-41%) in 2014, Democrats can't take this district for granted, as turnout tends to drop off on the Democratic side in "odd-year," non-gubernatorial election years like this one. All the more reason to have someone like Atif Qarni who can get people excited to turn out and vote. But first, of course, Qarni will have to win a three-way Democratic primary (the other two candidates being Michael Futrell and Jeremy McPike), and then beat presumptive Republican nominee Hal Parrish. So, obviously, there's a lot of work to do. I'm supporting Atif because I think he'd make a superb State Senator, fighting for education, small business and smart transportation improvements, among other things. He'd also, of course, be a strong supporter of Medicaid expansion and many other things I care about. With that, check out the video of Atif Qarni below, as well as video of  the other speakers, which I'll post in the comments section. And obviously, if you agree that Atif Qarni would make an excellent member of the Virginia State Senate, please click here and support him in whatever way you can. Thanks, and go Atif!
Video: Virginia Del. Mark Keam Speaks at Atif Qarni for Senate Rally (2/7/15) (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
I got to tell you, from today until June 9 when the primary happens, you're not going to see somebody work harder for this position than Atif Qarni, you're not going to see somebody more dedicated to the cause than Atif Qarni...I know we're going to win this thing...I've known Atif for a while, I've been tremendously impressed with his background already. He's...served our nation. He's an American hero. He is serving our young children, which in some ways is also very very heroic as well. Like me, he comes from a different ethnic heritage than a lot of Virginians, but we are creating the new face of Virginia...put in [place] policies so that all Virginians benefit from equality and fairness and justice...He's making a huge difference just by being a candidate. But when he wins...he's going to make history as the first Asian American in the State Senate.

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Video: Del. Mark Sickles Speaks in Support of Atif Qarni for State Senate (2/7/15) (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
We need more diversity in this Senate. We need a Marine, let's hear it, we need a Marine. We don't have enough Marines there. We need tough people who know what to do, the right thing to do, and that's this guy right here...I saw that myself in this campaign out here in 2013...people were excited, just like today, standing room only...Also, we need some diversity in the Senate, we need a teacher! Teachers are under-represented in our legislature, we could always use another teacher...We need to work hard to get the vote out on June 9, it's going to be a tough primary and general important it is to have Democrats control the State Senate...

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Video: Senator Adam Ebbin Speaks in Support of Atif Qarni for State Senate (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
I'm happy to be here to support Atif...I'm hoping that the second time's a charm for you, and I think it will be...I'm looking forward to partnering with you [in the State Senate], Atif, because over the time I've known you, you've demonstrated the integrity...and the the people of this district that they deserve in the State Senate...we need to replace [Sen. Chuck Colgan] with someone with the same work ethic, the same smarts, and over time, the same seniority. So by the time you're 86 years old, I think you'll be chairing Finance by the time you're 70...we're going to win this district, we're going to hold this district with Atif Qarni...the stakes are high. He's a partner on the issues we all care about; on Medicaid expansion we need him...We need to make sure we have a bipartisan majority for Medicaid expansion. And one of the things that's troubling to me is that the gentleman [Republican Hal Parrish] who's announced on the other side for the Senate, who's a good person, has said he doesn't know whether or not he supports Medicaid expansion...I'm disappointed in that. But I know that Atif Qarni is going to help us spending less time moving backwards, more time moving forwards, and bringing the background we need...We don't have a teacher in the Senate, we have a lot to learn. Sen. Colgan is the last World War II veteran in the Senate; I think we need a veteran of some of our newer conflicts too...I'm going to be there every step of the way with you, and without further ado, the next Senator from this district, Atif Qarni.

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Video: Atif Qarni Recognizes People in Audience (2/7/15) (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Atif Qarni recognizes several people in the audience, including Fairfax County School Board member Ted Wilcox, Prince William Education Association President Jim Livingston, Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia chair Dewita Soeharjono, Democratic House of Delegates candidate (against "Sideshow Bob" Marshall) Don Shaw, Prince William County Board of Supervisors candidate Andrea Bailey, Prince William County School Board candidate Justin Wilk, and former County Board Chair candidate Babur Lateef.Qarni added: "We're going to win big in 2015...this election is going to be won at the doors, because we have to let voters that real change IS coming to Prince William County. So I'm so excited to see everyone here today, thank you again, Semper Fi!"