Earlier today, I received Sen. Dick Saslaw's (D-Dominion Virginia Power) report from "Week 4 of the 2015 General Assembly" (see the "flip" for the part dealing with energy). I was particularly interested in this bought-and-paid-for Dominion Power dude's take on Sen. Frank Wagner's SB1349 ("Electric utility regulation; suspension of reviews of earnings"), which passed the State Senate on Friday.According to Saslaw, the whole thing was in "anticipation of" forthcoming EPA Clean Power Plan rules to reduce carbon pollution. Specifically, Saslaw claims that Dominion will be forced to "absorb $82 million in costs" from the "potential EPA regulations." That, of course, ignores the fact that energy efficiency (and increasing solar and wind power) is far cheaper than building/maintaining fossil-fuel-fired power plants and infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, transmission lines), let alone super-expensive nuclear power plants. But be that as it may, what on earth is Saslaw basing his claim that SB 1349 is actually about the EPA's Clean Power Plan? In fact, according to an op-ed by Virginia Sierra Club Director Glen Besa in today's Richmond Times-Dispatch, it has nothing to do with it at all. What does all this have to do with the environment and Sierra Club? The short answer is nothing whatsoever, except that Dominion had to come up with some justification to convince Virginia's legislators that it should pocket these overcharges, and it invented a real doozy of an excuse: Blame the Environmental Protection Agency.Trading on legislators' fears that the EPA's Clean Power Plan will cost us an arm and a leg to reduce climate-changing carbon pollution, Dominion has told the legislature: Have we got a deal for you! If the legislature will just exempt Dominion from SCC scrutiny for the next six years, Dominion will eat all the costs associated with implementing EPA's Clean Power Plan.Kinda gives you a warm-and-fuzzy feeling, huh? Yeah, I know, more like you feel like you need a long, hot shower to wash away the rotten stench of corruption.Anyway, the bottom line question is this: Who would you trust: a) the leader of a non-profit group (the Virginia Sierra Club) dedicated 100% to protecting our enviroment; or b) a State Senator who thinks ethics is a big joke, and who has received $240,508 from Dominion over the years, plus hundreds of thousands of dollars more from fossil fuel interests? I know, tough choice (snark).