Peace in the whole world, still divided by greed looking for easy gain, wounded by the selfishness which threatens human life and the family, selfishness that continues in human trafficking, the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century. Peace to the whole world, torn apart by violence linked to drug trafficking and by the iniquitous exploitation of natural resources! Peace to this our Earth! Made the risen Jesus bring comfort to the victims of natural disasters and make us responsible guardians of creation.Great stuff. Of course, Paul Ryan, Ken Cuccinelli, and their fellow Ayn Rand fans in the Republican Party can't be happy with Pope Francis' condemnation of greed and selfishness, his call to end the "iniquitous exploitation of natural resources" (can we say tar sands? mountaintop removal coal mining? spewing of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere?), and his plea that we be "responsible guardians of creation." Don't worry, though, I'm sure Paul Ryan, Ken Cuccinelli et al. will just ignore this part of Pope Francis' message. But the rest of us certainly shouldn't!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
In Easter Message, Pope Francis Condemns Greed, "iniquitous exploitation of natural resources"
From Pope Francis' Urbi et Orbi Message, Easter 2013.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Audio: Bolling Won't Endorse Cuccinelli; Rips Him as "too extreme...confrontational and combative"
After stating (at 3:45 into the audio) that he will NOT be endorsing Ken Cuccinelli in this year's gubernatorial campaign, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling (R) talks (starting at around 4:45) about his relationship with Virginia Republicans and conservatives since he started considering a run for governor. Pop up some popcorn, because this is good! :)
As far as [RPV] Chairman Pat Mullins is concerned, I haven't heard from him, I haven't heard from the Attorney General, frankly I haven't heard from any of these folks, which doesn't particularly surprise me. But look, the only heat that I took during this entire process, to be perfectly honest, came from the more, I'll just call them passionate elements in our party, who do represent more of the more extreme views within our party. But as far as mainstream Republicans, people that I've known and worked with for years, I think almost every one of them that I talked to was totally understanding of the position we were in...many of them frankly were supportive. I will tell you, I'm not alone in the concerns that I have about the current direction of the Republican Party. There are a lot of other Republican elected officials and party leaders out there who share these exact same concerns, they're just not in a position to voice them...At this particular point in time...I think I've been put in a speak out on the need for a more mainstream approach to governing in Virginia...and the other is to speak out candidly to my fellow Republicans and talk about the need to get our party back to a more mainstream approach.Great stuff. In other news, Bolling says that Terry McAuliffe has not offered him any position in his administration if he's elected governor. Bolling also says that most moderate and independent Virginia voters see Ken Cuccinelli as "too extreme...too ideologically driven...too confrontational and combative...too focused on the incredibly controversial and divisive issues of the day." The question is, Bollins says, can Cuccinelli redefine himself, and does he even "want to do that, or is [Cuccinelli] gonna double down on the conservative ideology of the farthest right wings of the Republican Party?" Finally, Bolling agrees with the RNC assessment that the GOP is now viewed as "scary, out of touch and simply too extreme," and "I think that is an accurate assessment." For instance, on the issue of abortion, the GOP is "by and large" a "pro-life party," but that doesn't mean the GOP should focus on "controversial and divisive issues like fetal ultrasound." Instead, "why aren't we the party that's championing efforts to reduce teen pregnancy in for crisis pregnancy centers...adoption as an option to abortion?" In Bolling (100% correct) view, "these are positive pro-life alternatives that would be supported not just by pro-life Virginians but by most pro-choice Virginians, and at the end of the day they'd probably do more to reduce the number of abortions being performed in our state than the fetal ultrasound will ever do." As Bolling puts it, that's all part of the Republican Party not being the "stupid party," as Bobby Jindal put it. I couldn't agree more with every word Bill Bolling said here!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Koch-Funded Mercatus Center Embarrasses GMU Yet Again with Laughable Report on "Freedom"
In many ways, George Mason University (GMU) is a fine school, an institution of higher learning that Virginians should be proud of. But in at least one way, it is a cringe-inducing embarrassment. That, of course, is the tremendous amount of money from the Koch brothers that goes to fund climate science denialism, to rail against environmental regulation more broadly, at GMU's far-right-wingnut Mercatus Center, described in The New Yorker as essentially a scam to "take corporate money and give it to a neutral-sounding think tank." Mercatus is very useful to the Koch brothers, of course, because they can count on the corporate/clueless media to cite it as some sort of unbiased, neutral "think tank," when in reality it is wildly biased, and certainly not a "think tank" the way most people would ever "think" of that concept.Given all this, it's not surprising that Koch-funded fellows at Mercatus have now produced a laughable, far-right-wingnut report that purports to measure "Freedom in the 50 States." Of course, it does no such thing, unless by "freedom" you mean "freedom for corporations, polluters, and the super rich to completely run amok, while the state tells you what you can and can't do with your body, who you can or can't marry, whether or not you can organize with other workers to demand better pay and benefits, etc." In short, this report is a Koch-brothers-meet-John-Galt wet dream of what America should look like. And that, my friends, is not a pleasant thought, in any way, shape or form. Let's look at a few of the metrics they use. Most importantly is having a low "tax burden" (note the loaded words they use?) -- that metric makes up 29% of the entire score in and of itself, and of course the lower the better, even if your state's schools, roads, bridges, health care systems, etc. are falling apart. The super-rich Koch brothers certainly don't care - let the little people suffer, they're doing fine, bwahahahahaha! |
lowkell :: Koch-Funded Mercatus Center Embarrasses GMU Yet Again with Laughable Report on "Freedom" |
The next highest weighting in this "study" (using the word as loosely as is humanly possible) goes to that pressing issue, one that I know all of us sit up nights worrying about, namely "Freedom from Tort Abuse." What on earth is THAT, you ask? According to Mercatus, "This is what the US Chamber of Commerce calls a state's 'lawsuit climate.' It captures risks and costs that businesses must pass on to consumers as higher prices." Yep, the virulently anti-government, pro-corporate-welfare US Chamber of Commerce came up with with the metric that makes up another 12% of the Mercatus Center's scoring. 'Nuff said. So, combine those two items - low taxes and "freedom from tort abuse" - and you're up to over 40% of the score right there. Throw in a few more on the "libertarian" wish list - "gun control freedom" (6.6%), "health insurance freedom" (5.4%), tobacco and alcohol "freedom" (6.9% combined), "labor market freedom" (3.8%) - and you've got the bulk of it. Note, by the way, that "marriage freedom" is weighted at just 2.1%, lower than "alcohol freedom" (2.8%), "tobacco freedom" (4.1%), and many others. So yes, the whole thing would be completely laughable if it weren't so insidious. Alex Pareene of Salon skewers it here, noting that the Koch-funded Mercatus Institute's "definition of 'freedom' largely adheres to the standard American libertarian conception of 'liberty,' which is to say it is oriented almost entirely around private property ownership and low taxation." Thus, North Dakota comes out in the rankings as the most "free" state, even though it just "passed the most restrictive antiabortion laws in the country...[i]ncluding a law specifically aimed at shutting down the state's lone abortion provider." In other words, you're free in North Dakota to have very low taxes and very low services, but if you're a woman you are NOT free to make important medical decisions, with your doctor, about your body. Is this the combo "Atlas Shrugged"/"The Handmaid's Tale" version of "freedom" or what? By the way, just in case you're at all interested, Virginia is considered by the Koch brothers, aka Mercatus, as "one of the freest states in the country, ranking eighth overall," in part due to " Virginia's status as a right-to-work state." Lovely, huh? Meanwhile, just to our north, our unfortunate brethren in Communist Maryland suffer at #44, despite the fact that you can marry who you want there, while Virginia enshrines discrimination into its state constitution. Got that? I'd also note that, as a general rule, the "blue" states - the ones that are huge net donors to the "red" states - are considered less "free," while the "red" states - huge net recipients of federal largesse, with the lowest education and health rankings in the country - are considered the most "free." To put it another way, if you were dreaming up a dystopian vision of America, and ranking the most dystopian states the highest and the least dystopian the lowest, you'd basically have...the Mercatus Center study. What an embarrassment. |
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Photos: Mark Warner Gets an Earful on Keystone Pipeline
Great job by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN), confronting Sen. Warner on his badly mistaken vote regarding the Keystone dirty Canadian tar sands pipeline (note: click on image to "embiggen")! Here's how they described it:Today in Harrisonburg, over 70 Virginians confronted Senator Mark Warner on his decision to support the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Not only did the Senator receive our message as he walked into a private luncheon, a group of pipeline protesters were also invited to sit down for an hour-long meeting with his Chief of Staff, where we demanded a public response by next week.I'd also note that Sen. Warner's just plain wrong that we need an "all of the above" strategy. To the stark contrary, there have been multiple studies demonstrating that we could feasibly power the country, and the planet, on 100% (or close to it) clean energy, if we just put our minds to it (I strongly recommend that Sen. Warner read this NY Times article, "Life After Oil and Gas"). But if we keep repeating the false mantra that we will "need" coal, oil, etc. for decades to come, that will only make it harder to do what we have to do: get off this planet-destroying stuff ASAP. What about that does Sen. Warner not "get?" |
Video: Last Night's Howard Dean/DFA Fundraiser for Jennifer Boysko, John Bell
Last night's Howard Dean/DFA fundraiser on Capitol Hill for Democratic House of Delegates candidates Jennifer Boysko and John Bell was a big success. The room was packed for the DFA "Purple to Blue" kickoff, the energy level was high, and the candidates were fired up. Check out the videos, and please help our great Democratic candidates this year!
First, here's John Bell (introduced by DFA Communications Director Neil Sroka) running in the Obama/Kaine 87th district against the utterly egregious David Ramadan. This is one we must win this November.
More video on the "flip," starting with Fairfax Supervisor John Foust introducing Jennifer Boysko, who's running against Tom Rust (R) in the 86th district. Also, make sure you check out 5:35 into the video for a special treat! :)
Also, check out this photo of former Dean for President super-volunteer Jennifer Boysko with Howard Dean.
Next, Howard Dean speaks about DFA's "Purple to Blue" program and rips into "crackpot" "Crazy Ken" Cuccinelli ("he's nuts...anti immigrant, anti women, anti working's just no no no no no...climate change, science...Ken Cuccinelli is not a serious person; he's a smart guy, but he's crazy"). Also, check out 2:28 into the video as Howard Dean riffs hilariously on perhaps his most well-known moment in the spotlight. Great stuff; gotta love a politician who can laugh at himself...
Here's a bit more from Howard Dean, this time about how the right wing "hates others," and how this country is not about "hate," and most importantly about how change "comes from the bottom" not from the top. Regarding that last point, Dean said that Boysko and Bell won't win unless we have 400-500 people knocking on doors. Dean concluded with this fiery riff:
The extremism that you hear from the Republican Party, whether it's in Virginia or North Dakota, is not where Americans are, and the only way we can remind them of that is to win elections. They're scared running around because Obama beat the pants off of them, as he should have, and we're not going to let them up off the mat, because this is our country...this is a country that cares about community, not about tearing down community, and we are going to change America, and it's going to start with Jennifer and John.Finally, Jennifer Boysko, John Bell and Howard Dean answer a few questions from the crowd.
The 2003 Draft Wesley Clark Movement Loses Two of Its Grassroots Superstars
It's kind of ironic that I've been spending so much time talking about Howard Dean this week. Why ironic? First, because I was a big supporter of General Wesley Clark - not Governor Dean - for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2003. Second, because two of the biggest stars of the Draft Wesley Clark movement - both of whom get major shoutouts in my book, Netroots Rising ("How a Citizen Army of Bloggers and Online Activists is Changing American Politics") - passed away recently, and they've been on my mind a lot.Let's start with the most recent: Stan Davis (to Clark's right in the photo, the one with all the Clark buttons), who passed away on Saturday. Stan ran the main Draft Wesley Clark Yahoo group, and said of the Draft movement that it was made up of "ordinary people doing extraordinary things." As I wrote in Netroots Rising, Stan was a "56-year-old Colorado man who had nearly died of a stroke in 2002, and was retired for medical reasons." Like me, Stan saw Clark's June 15, 2003 Meet the Press interview, and "Clark's persona and message excited" Stan, spurring him to attend the first Denver Draft Clark Meetup on July 7, 2003. Stan soon became the moderator of the largest Clark Yahoo group (Clark 2004), as well as one of General Clark's most passionate - and effective - netroots supporters. He also became someone I considered a good friend, comrade in arms, also a friendly debating partner (as much or more about philosophy and other subjects than politics). Stan was also one of the nicest, classiest, most diplomatic people I've ever met, and he needed to be, moderating a group with thousands of members and tens of thousands of messages. There's a lot to say about Stan, but it's hard to top his own life described in his own words. A few points that jump out at me as I reread this: 1) Stan started out as a big Goldwater fan, before his "flaming liberal fiancée opened my eyes;" 2) in 1999, he was given 6 months to live following a stroke, exacerbated by hemochromatosis (a genetic blood disorder in which "the body doesn't metabolize iron") and diabetes; 3) after languishing for three years or so, Stan was rejuvenated by the Draft Clark movement, to which he committed "my support...and my life;" 4) as Stan puts it, the Clark movement - along with "crossword puzzles" and his divorce - "combined my life." Politics saving someone's life? How can that be possible, the cynical might ask? Very simple: believing in something bigger than yourself; connecting with a community and a movement that inspires you; finding a purpose to your existence; those things can make all the difference in having the will to live - or not. And in Stan's case, it worked - until this past Saturday. Finally, before I move on to the other Draft Wesley Clark leader who passed away recently, here's General Wesley Clark himself on Stan Davis, and what Stan meant to him. Very moving. |
lowkell :: The 2003 Draft Wesley Clark Movement Loses Two of Its Grassroots Superstars |
I will really miss Stan Davis. He was a Navy veteran and a fine man. But for me he had a special role as one of a handful of people who really provided me the will to run for President. He helped organize the draft, and encouraged me at every step. Not because he had great money, or huge political influence but because he had a strong faith in America, and believed that someone had to stand up for our country and our principles. Again and again, Stan was there for me. I could look into the audience in California, or Denver, or New Hampshire, and Stan was there.I knew Stan would rally the troops, and that he cared about the big issues, like I did.Yes, we do. Rest in peace, my friend (or as Stan would say, "mon ami").The other Draft Clark superstar who passed away recently is Ellen Dana Nagler, who Stan Davis identified as of his key mentors. On February 2, I got an email - followed by a long phone call - from our mutual friend (and Clarkie) Kelly Flinn, informing me that Ellen had passed away the day before. There's a lot to say about Ellen, but to give you a flavor of her role in the Clark movement, here's an excerpt from Netroots Rising: On October 5, Ellen Nagler, the leader of Santa Barbara for Clark, and one of the brightest political people in the Clark movement -- her campaign experience went back to Bobby Kennedy in 1968 -- wrote to Lowell in an instant message chat that "the Clark Movement is being systematically excluded." Nagler complained that Digital Clark (a repository for radio and TV interviews with Clark) "is gone" and that "for days, if you clicked on the [popular] Clark Tribune newsletter on the main site you got redirected to the main campaign press page." Nagler expressed her belief that the campaign professionals viewed the draft people as "mavericks" or even "unruly children" who needed to be "brought under control or sent away from the table if we 'misbehave'."In short, Ellen was a fierce defender of - and believer in - the power of the progressive grassroots/netroots activism to change American politics for the better. And she certainly practiced that in her life. Of course, that shouldn't be surprising for someone who called herself an "unreconstructed liberal," and who never lost her Brooklyn/NY City attitude ("chutzpah"), nor her sense of outrage at injustice and right-wing lunacy. Ellen also was highly involved in her local and state Democratic Parties.As for the Clark campaign, Ellen and I both grew increasingly frustrated - and alienated - during the fall of 2003, after we had both been as excited and energized as can be for General Clark during the summer. In numerous, early-morning (for me - VERY late night for her in California!) chats, Ellen and I discussed our growing frustration over the systematic exclusion of the draft elements from the Clark campaign. Among other things, this contributed to the decision of Clark's first campaign manager, Donnie Fowler Jr., to resign on October 7, 2003. As Fowler told me later, the "professional" political folks brought in to run the Clark campaign had made the mistake of trying to "dam up the river" of netroots talent and enthusiasm, instead of working to harness it intelligently, as the Obama campaign did in 2008 and 2012. In my view, and I'm confident that Ellen would agree, the decision to make the Clark campaign "top down," instead of "bottom up" (or even better, a hybrid of "top down" and "bottom up," as we ended up with in the Webb campaign of 2006), played a major role in General Clark losing the primary. The last I heard from Ellen was actually in September 2009, when she emailed to tell me that Virginia is "such a critical state" politically, and how glad she was that I was still blogging, at Blue Virginia, after the demise of RK/Raising Kaine. My hope is that if there's an afterlife, that Ellen and Stan are sharing a cool drink, debating politics and philosophy, in English and/or in French, which they both loved. And, of course, leading a "draft" progressive political movement wherever they are! :) P.S. I miss you both! |
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Howard Dean, DFA Launch Purple to Blue Project, Target 5 Districts in Virginia for 2013
I just got off a conference call with former DNC Chair Howard Dean; Democracy For America's (DFA's) Purple to Blue Project Director Nick Passanante; 86th House of Delegates district candidate Jennifer Boysko; 87th House of Delegates district candidate John Bell; and Virginia House Democratic Caucus Executive Director Jody Murphy. The purpose of the call was to discuss the launch of DFA's Purple to Blue project ("a new effort to win state legislative house and senate chambers"), and also to introduce DFA's first two Purple to Blue candidates in Virginia - Boysko and Bell. This marks the beginning of "a national, multi-year effort to win state House and Senate chambers," this year "focused on elections in five key 'purple' districts currently represented by Republicans in Virginia's House of Delegates." Here are my notes, cleaned up a bit, from the rest of the call. Also, don't forget the event tonight with Howard Dean for Jennifer Boysko and John Bell!Nick Passanante Right now, there's a radical, right-wing agenda going unchecked at state level. Elections for state legislatures are critically important. We need to win back state house and senate districts across the country. In 2013, the focus will be on Virginia's House of Delegates (Lowell's note: currently, Democrats hold just 32 out of 100 seats). DFA is targeting five key purple districts currently represented by Republicans. This will be a robust, layered campaign, highly data driven, microtargeted, $750,000 in just these 5 districts on targeted mail, media, etc. This will send a powerful message to Republicans, that if you continue to wage war on women, voting rights, etc., we will defeat you at the ballot box. This effort is just the beginning; we are looking forward to 2014 races in PA, MI, IA, as well as 2015 State Senate races in Virginia. We will announce the other three targeted Virginia districts over the 2-3 weeks; making those decisions now. People who live outside these districts can help by chipping in a few bucks, volunteering on phones/doors, using the Call Out the Vote program. The plan is to stretch every dollar to go as far as possibly can. We've run our field program multiple times in the past, including in the WI recall effort. We've gotten so good at it that we see a higher than 50% contact rate with door knocking. Those are unheard-of numbers in terms of contacts, in large part due to microtargeting. Mail/media: working with Pivot Mail - Joel Rivlin, Dean Levitan, etc. - which runs highly targeted and data driven mail programs. We won't just send out blanket mail pieces, but ones that are really tailored to each individual in the district. Also, targeted media - cable, etc. Howard Dean This really is of national importance, not just in Virginia. The radical tone set by extreme right winger Ken Cuccinelli is spreading elsewhere. The recent anti-abortion bill in ND, for instance, started in Virginia with Ken Cuccinelli. Cuccinelli has a record of defunding Planned Parenthood, promoting discrimination against LGBT Virginians; in general, he's way outside the mainstream of Virginia, "antediluvian" views, I actually wondered if he was sane....we call him "Crazy Ken."
Friday, March 22, 2013
BREAKING: Cuccinelli Says Transportation Bill, Medicaid Expansion Unconstitutional
According to our fine Attorney General (and his office), the two main accomplishments of the 2013 Virginia General Assembly are not constitutional.1. TransportationIt is my opinion that, although the imposition of different taxes on transactions in different localities does not violate Article X, § 1, HB 2313's imposition of taxes in the specific localities constitutes a local law related to taxation prohibited by Article IV, § 14(5) of the Virginia Constitution. It further is my opinion that, because the taxes were imposed directly by the General Assembly, the taxes cannot be saved by the provisions of Article VII, § 2, even if they had obtained the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house.Interesting, I actually thought Article X was a stronger argument against this bill. Go figure.2. Medicaid expansion It is my opinion that the provisions of the 2013 budget act that purport to authorize Medicaid expansion only "[i]f the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission determines that" certain conditions set by the General Assembly have been met constitutes a delegation of the General Assembly's legislative authority. It is further my opinion that the General Assembly may not delegate final legislative authority regarding budgetary or other matters to a committee composed of a subset of the members of the General Assembly.Of course, these are just opinions - correct or incorrect, you decide - by Virginia's AG, not a ruling by the Virginia Supreme Court. Still, it will be fascinating to see how this plays out now, especially given Bob McDonnell's obvious hesitation to make a decision on whether or not to sign the transportation bill. Also, it seems to me that the AG's ruling could have an impact on future Supreme Court deliberations. Hmmmm.P.S. Big winner here? "Sideshow Bob" Marshall, who requested these opinions, of all people. Wonderful. P.P.S. Did the politics of 2013 just get scrambled? All I can say is, it's going to be very interesting to see how this plays out... |
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
New Report Card on Virginia Infrastructure: D+
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is out with its 2013 report card on America's infrastructure, and it's not a pretty picture (note: click on image to "embiggen") - either for the country as a whole, or for Virginia specifically. Virginia gets a D+ grade, with problems like:*1,250 structurally deficient bridges *47% of roads either in poor or mediocre shape *184 high-hazard dams *Billions of dollars needed for wastewater and drinking water upgrades. *Over 46% of schools over 40 years old. *Pressing needs for improvements in Virginia's power grid and alternative energy sources, or else "electrical power rates must increase between 50 and 70 percent over the next 10 years" Since Gov. McDonnell is currently considering what to do with the recently-passed transportation bill, it's worth highlighting that the ASCE full report on Virginia gives our roads a D- grade, for the following reasons: Increasing traffic congestion on Virginia roads is choking major urban areas and is having a negative impact on businesses, commuters, and tourists. VTrans 2025 identifies a funding shortfall for road investment of $74 billion. In the last three fiscal year budgets (2008-2010) transportation funding has decreased 38% or by $3.2 billion. If current trends continue by 2014, state highway funds will be insufficient to match federal funds, resulting in Virginia losing its share of federal funding.As for rail and transit, the report finds that a "sustainable source of funding for new or expanded rail and transit services is critical to Virginia's future economic success." Last but not least, "more than 50 percent of the state's bridges are approaching the end of their anticipated service design lives, making Virginia's bridges among the oldest in the nation."
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Exclusive Interview: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring
I had the opportunity yesterday to sit down with Democratic Party of Virginia Chair, Del. Charniele Herring, for an hour-plus discussion/interview in Alexandria on turning Virginia blue, on winning in 2013, on building the state party and Virginia Democrats' "farm system," etc. Thanks to Del. Herring for her time; I greatly appreciate it. Here are some highlights from our discussion.1. According to Del. Herring, the 2009 elections in Virginia were a case of conservatives mobilizing, in the aftermath of their defeat in 2008, "to their benefit," while Democrats basically went to sleep. For instance, Herring won her January 2009 special election, in the solid blue 46th district (Alexandria), by just 16 votes, as Democrats "were tired" and didn't go vote. Later that same year, as we all know, Democrats were wiped out for governor, LG, AG, and the House of Delegates. The lesson: "every vote matters," and also we can't ever go to sleep or take anything for granted. Certainly, we'd better not do either of those things in 2013, unless we like the thought of saying "Governor Cuccinelli" for 4 years. Nope, didn't think so. 2. Del. Herring said we've been recruiting candidates for 2013, are doing pretty well, but frankly "candidate recruitment is a long-term thing; we've got to build a bench." Of course, Herring pointed out, it's the House Democratic caucus that is primarily responsible for candidate recruitment for the House of Delegates, while "the party does supplement and provides support" (e.g, voter file, media training, messaging, research, helping to identify donors). According to Del. Herring, "through time we're going to figure out a better way for candidate recruitment," but it's certainly "not easy," as a lot of people don't want to go through what it takes to run for office. The bottom line, in Del. Herring's view, is that it's going to take time to get back to where we need to be in the House of Delegates: "I think what we need to do is be in a place that in 2020, that we have some control of's slow building,I can't sit here and say that we're going to pick up 10 seats in 2013...we have to just realize the reality of our's going to have to be slow, methodical, and deliberate." |
lowkell :: Exclusive Interview: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring |
3. According to Del. Herring, in the 2013 campaign, "We're not going to be duplicating things, which has happened in the past, where the coordinated campaign runs outside the party; everything's going to be run through the party, so that's going to help our House of Delegates candidates, the top of the ticket and on down...a unified front." In other words, this time around, things have to be done differently if we expect different results from the past (if not, it's the classic "definition of insanity" - doing the same thing and expecting different results), and Del. Herring seems determined to make sure that happens.4. What are the major issues for 2013? Del. Herring believes that part of it will definitely be pointing out how extreme ("outside the norm of what we've known conservatives to be") the Republican ticket will be on issue after issue. As much as Cuccinelli tries to "normalize himself," Democrats will need to keep reminding people of how extreme Cuccinelli's record is and "what he truly is and what he will do if he were to be elected." We're also going to hear about transportation, jobs and the economy, women's reproductive health care, climate change, the assault on science, LGBT equality, the Republican assault on voting rights, etc. 5. In Del. Herring's view, we can't just be against Cuccinelli, "we have to promote ourselves, we are...a party of ideas that are fact based, evidence based, reality based...we're a big tent party...that brings Virginians to a better quality of life overall no matter their party affiliation," and we have to talk about all that. In addition, of course we need to remind people of all the extreme things Cuccinelli has said and done. At the same time, the case for Terry McAuliffe will center on job creation, pursuing opportunities like clean energy, keeping Virginia an attractive place for businesses and individuals to live in, being a welcoming place for all people. In Del. Herring's view, businesses are highly - and legitimately - concerned "about the extremism" of Ken Cuccinelli; "if you're going to have laws that discriminate," you're going to drive talented people away. 6. I asked Del. Herring about the large financial advantage held by the Republican House caucus over the Democratic House caucus and what we can do about that. Part of it, in Del. Herring's view, is "pooling resources together." Part of it is tapping into national donors, new donors, potential opportunities with members of the business community who are not comfortable with Ken Cuccinelli. Part of it is that Democrats in deep blue areas need to "step up our games" in terms of raising money for Democrats in competitive/"purple" districts around the state. 7. On the transportation bill, Del. Herring is doubtful that Gov. McDonnell will veto it, but she does think he'll make changes, possibly with the hybrid fee. We should know the answer to that question within about a week. Del. Herring said her vote for the transportation bill was one of the most difficult she'd ever taken, but she's concerned about "simple public safety" (e.g, bridges falling apart), and this is the "first time in a generation that we actually were able to get something done," albeit "not perfect." Also, if we don't take care of transportation, Del. Herring believes (and I agree) that Virginia's business ranking will continue to fall. If Ken Cuccinelli's elected, this will only get worse; we could fall 9-10 slots in the business rankings, join "some of the more regressive states...that's what I'm concerned's ridiculous." 8. On the role of the state party, Del. Herring believes we need to be constantly working on the ground to develop talent, keeping in touch with voters, working to "maintain our relevance," "building the bench," developing "long-term sustainability," and definitely not just parachuting in at the last minute (e.g., right before an election). This will take a "long-term vision," looking at our successes and also what we can improve on. Del. Herring sees this as a long-term commitment and definitely plans to be there "for another four years" after her run for reelection this June. The plan is geared towards 2020, towards keeping a continual effort going between elections, "not just sitting in Richmond." Del. Herring specifically mentioned keeping people in place and being in the community, a la Howard Dean's 50-state strategy. She also noted Dean's recommendation to "go out and door knock when you're not asking for a vote," the importance of asking people what their concerns are. Bottom line: "We do have a strong case [to make], we're in a good position, people are energized...and it's our job to keep [people] energized and focused." 9. I asked Del. Herring how she viewed bloggers - as enemies, frenemies, friends, or what. She immediately and enthusiastically responded, "friends!" She also said that bloggers' role is "crucial" in that newspapers read the blogs, that social media "makes a difference and mobilizes people." "I don't want it to be makes a difference...politicians have to be amenable to're connecting with more voters [if you use social media effectively]." Del. Herring definitely sees herself as "grassroots" ("I am such not the insider...I'm an outsider...I am not part of any machine."). Her background comes out of being homeless as a teenager, living in a shelter when she was 16, and getting into college with the help of the STEP program ("that's why I believe in government programs...Republicans want to slash it...they're slashing my future and the future of America"). Without those programs, "my options would have been so limited." This is about providing citizens with opportunities to move up, giving people chances for social mobility ("I do not want a governor whose willing to be successful and leave other Virginians behind, and that's what Cuccinelli is about"). 10. Finally, Del. Herring talked about the process for selecting a new Executive Director for DPVA. She said she did a national search, was looking for someone with a diverse experience - fundraising ("that fundraising component that she brings with her and her contacts with national donors is important to me...she has that fundraising experience that will be helpful for us to grow as a party"), political organizing, field, etc., and she feels like she found it in Lauren Harmon. Again, it was great catching up with Charniele Herring as she settles into her new job as DPVA chair. I hope to do more of these in the future. |
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Photos, Video from Rep. Connolly's St. Patrick's Day Fete
(I've added a bunch of videos in the comments section...enjoy! - promoted by lowkell) I just got back from Rep. Gerry Connolly's annual St. Patrick's Day fete and Democratic straw poll in Fairfax (photo above by Rep. Connolly's staff). Congratulations to Aneesh Chopra and Mark Herring (see press releases for both Chopra and Herring in the comments section) on their wins in the straw poll, with over 850 people voting. Also, great job by the organizers of the event, which attracted upwards of 1,400 Democrats. Hopefully, this is a sign of the enthusiasm Virginia Dems feel this year heading into crucial elections for the future of our state.P.S. There are more photos (by yours truly, Rep. Connolly's office, Aneesh Chopra's campaign, etc.) on the "flip." I'm also processing video, which should be available tomorrow. |
lowkell :: Photos, Video from Rep. Connolly's St. Patrick's Day Fete |
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
Latino Basher and Virginia GOP LG Candidate Corey Stewart: "I detest the word 'minority outreach'"
Courtesy of Corey Stewart's Twitter feed, as well as from the Corey Stewart for LG website, we hear from Prince William County's #1 elected Latino basher about "inclusion in the Republican Party." In short, Stewart hates the very thought of reaching out to minorities (who, by the way, are already a majority in Prince William County):Corey Stewart, conservative candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, current Republican Chair of the Prince Williams County Board of Supervisors, spoke about the term "minority outreach" as distasteful and inappropriate. As he said, you don't "outreach" to a friend or your grandmother, you develop genuine relationships. That's what we need to do in connecting with all voters, of all backgrounds. His past electoral victories reveal that he practices what he preaches: he won elections in a majority minority district at times when other Republicans lost.How is what Corey Stewart's saying here any different than fellow Republican GOP LG candidate Susan Stimpson asserting, "[African Americans] wouldn't be a set constituency that I would try to inspire?" More to the point, why do Republicans keep "digging" when they're in a deep, deep hole regarding their electoral appeal to non-white voters? Can they simply not help themselves, or what?Look, I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr. was right, that the goal should be for all of us to judge each other on the "content of our characters," not on the color of our skin. Sadly, we're still not there yet, which is why we need to keep working at inclusiveness, at leveling the playing field, and at eliminating the vestiges of racism and bigotry from our society, once and for all. No, I'm not a fan of"identity politics" ("Political attitudes or positions that focus on the concerns of social groups identified mainly on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation"), but that's not what we're talking about here. Instead, what we're dealing with right now in this country is a Republican Party that's gone out of its way, over several decades, to alienate just about every group in this country other than whites. With its Lee Atwater/Karl Rove "Southern Strategy"(a not-so-subtle appeal, "dog whistle" or louder, to white racists, many of whom were formerly "Dixiecrats" - segregationist Democrats back in the days of Jim Crow and "Massive Resistance"), its attacks on "welfare queens" (but never on corporate welfare, which is far larger and far more harmful to our country), and with its bashing of "illegals" (that's what they charmingly call undocumented immigrants, as if human beings themselves, as opposed to people's specific actions, can possibly be "illegal"), today's Republican Party has richly earned the miniscule percentage of the vote they receive in elections from African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans. As for Corey Stewart, let's not forget this disgraceful episode ("Racial tension and threats of violence erupt when Prince William County, Virginia adopts a law requiring the police to question people who appear to be undocumented immigrants."), exemplified by ugliness as depicted in this video (see Corey's snarling, hate-filled face at 2:58 in). Given his nasty, divisive past, including outright bashing of Latinos, we shouldn't be surprised that Corey Stewart declares to a conference full of white racists that "I detest the word 'minority outreach'." And no, Mr. Stewart, your way is NOT the way the Republican Party is ever going to expand, but as a diehard Democrat, I kind of hope that you guys keep doing what you're doing, and keep on losing elections. |
Friday, March 15, 2013
Video: Nope, No Racism at CPAC...Move Right Along!
As you watch this video and read about what happened, just keep in mind that CPAC (and the GOP more broadly) is overwhelmingly white. Why is that? Perhaps because their policies are horrible, and also because the party is filled with the type of people who used to infest the old Dixiecrats (Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, Jesse Helms, etc.), but thank god left the Democratic Party. Of course, they're now in the Republican Party, thanks in part to many years of Lee Atwater's (and Richard Nixon's, Ronald Reagan's, Karl Rove's, etc.) "Southern Strategy," and from the looks of it, they really really REALLY do not like being called out for their utter lack of racial inclusiveness.
Finally, I'd just note that this John Birch Society freak show, aka the CPAC conference, is considered not just totally mainstream in today's GOP, but highly desirable. Note that raging homophobe/science denier/fanatic Ken Cuccinelli just spoke there yesterday. Also note that leading 2016 GOP presidential possibilities - like Bob McDonnell, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, etc. - have been clamoring to speak there (or have been seriously bummed that they were snubbed, as in the case of T-Bob). This really says it all about today's Republican Party.
P.S. Great snarky comment at Daily Kos: "Ladies and gentlement, don't panic, but...there is a black man in the building. Repeat: A black man in the building!"
P.P.S. Serious question: is there ANY equivalent of CPAC on the progressive and/or Democratic side? I've asked several people, and nobody can think of anything even close. Yet the corporate/idiot media keeps insisting on some sort of equivalency. Amazing.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Cuccinelli: Appealing to Women Politically Means Focusing on the "mentally ill"
Just when you thought Ken Kookinelli couldn't get any creepier or more bizarre, he says s*** like this.How about [appealing] to women?I'm a person who appeals to women with a variety of issues that they just happen to care more about that I also happen to care about. I've worked to improve mental health and worked to help the mentally ill for over a decade and a half, including when I was in the legislature. Women's issues aren't just abortion. Women's issues are everything women care about. And I have an awful lot of issues that I appeal to women on, just as a natural course.So, let's get this straight: the first thing Cuckoo's mind goes to when he's asked about how Republicans, including himself, might better appeal politically to women is "mental health" and "help[ing] the mentally ill." Not jobs, the economy, health care, education, or a million other things, but focusing on the "mentally ill." I've run this quote by a bunch of people, without telling them whose quote it was, and they all reacted with varying degrees of "WTF" and "that's creepy" and "I didn't know mental health was specifically a women's issue." But for Crazy Cuccinelli? Who knows how that guy's mind works; I actually don't want to know...P.S. Of course, this is the same guy who doesn't "believe" in science, thinks the government is using Social Security numbers to "track" him, has flirted with "birtherism," etc, etc. So what else would we expect? |
Kaine and Warner Can't Have It Both Ways on Keystone XL and Climate Action
by The Green Miles
Self-styled "centrist" Democratic senators like Tim Kaine and Mark Warner say they recognize climate reality and support action to cut carbon pollution. But ... then they see polls that show the public is split on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline ... and feel pressure from Very Serious People in Washington who won't say no to anything the oil, gas and coal industries want ... and think, maybe we can have both? Get credit for support this current & specific polluting pipeline AND burnish climate bona fides by hand-waving towards some future & not yet existent climate effort?No. Climate action isn't just about the easy & popular things, like clean energy and energy efficiency. It's also about the hard things, like saying no to oil and coal barons who may spend lots of money to try to defeat you in your next re-election campaign. You can't claim to support climate action, but wilt like corn caught in a global warming-fueled drought every time big polluters come asking for a favor. Either folks like Tim Kaine and Mark Warner support climate action. Or they support Keystone XL and don't really care about things like confronting superstorms like Sandy or protecting our natural resources for future generations. They can't have it both ways. |
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
A New Pope Emerges
by Kathy in Blacksburg
Today in Rome's Saint Peter's Square, over one hundred thousand people gathered to cheer a new pope. Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, a cardinal committed to social justice for the poor, became Pope Francis, most likely named after Saint Francis of Assisi, champion of the poor. Many Catholics rejoice in an American Pope, from Latin America. The first Latin American, first non-European, and first Jesuit is now the leader of the world's largest faith.President Obama greeted the news with a statement which said (in part):And the Vice-President added: |
KathyinBlacksburg :: A New Pope Emerges |
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
"North American Energy Independence": Imaginary, Awful, Socialist
by The Green Miles
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is once again touting the Republican fantasy called "North American energy independence." Here's a quick reminder of why that concept is phony, horrifying & anti-capitalist: