
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cuccinelli: Appealing to Women Politically Means Focusing on the "mentally ill"

Just when you thought Ken Kookinelli couldn't get any creepier or more bizarre, he says s*** like this.
How about [appealing] to women?I'm a person who appeals to women with a variety of issues that they just happen to care more about that I also happen to care about. I've worked to improve mental health and worked to help the mentally ill for over a decade and a half, including when I was in the legislature. Women's issues aren't just abortion. Women's issues are everything women care about. And I have an awful lot of issues that I appeal to women on, just as a natural course.
So, let's get this straight: the first thing Cuckoo's mind goes to when he's asked about how Republicans, including himself, might better appeal politically to women is "mental health" and "help[ing] the mentally ill." Not jobs, the economy, health care, education, or a million other things, but focusing on the "mentally ill." I've run this quote by a bunch of people, without telling them whose quote it was, and they all reacted with varying degrees of "WTF" and "that's creepy" and "I didn't know mental health was specifically a women's issue." But for Crazy Cuccinelli? Who knows how that guy's mind works; I actually don't want to know...P.S. Of course, this is the same guy who doesn't "believe" in science, thinks the government is using Social Security numbers to "track" him, has flirted with "birtherism," etc, etc. So what else would we expect?