Peace in the whole world, still divided by greed looking for easy gain, wounded by the selfishness which threatens human life and the family, selfishness that continues in human trafficking, the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century. Peace to the whole world, torn apart by violence linked to drug trafficking and by the iniquitous exploitation of natural resources! Peace to this our Earth! Made the risen Jesus bring comfort to the victims of natural disasters and make us responsible guardians of creation.Great stuff. Of course, Paul Ryan, Ken Cuccinelli, and their fellow Ayn Rand fans in the Republican Party can't be happy with Pope Francis' condemnation of greed and selfishness, his call to end the "iniquitous exploitation of natural resources" (can we say tar sands? mountaintop removal coal mining? spewing of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere?), and his plea that we be "responsible guardians of creation." Don't worry, though, I'm sure Paul Ryan, Ken Cuccinelli et al. will just ignore this part of Pope Francis' message. But the rest of us certainly shouldn't!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
In Easter Message, Pope Francis Condemns Greed, "iniquitous exploitation of natural resources"
From Pope Francis' Urbi et Orbi Message, Easter 2013.