
Monday, November 26, 2012

Video: Protege of GOP Big Liar Frank Luntz Announces for Virginia LG

Yet another Republican't announces for Virginia Lieutenant Governor.
Republican businessman and GOP spokesman Pete Snyder formally entered the race for Virginia Lt. Governor Monday with an exclusive announcement on NBC12 First at 4. Snyder, a close ally of Governor Bob McDonnell and wealthy entrepreneur had long been expected to enter an already crowded field. He made it official during a live TV interview.
So who is Pete Snyder? First of all, the guy's a delusional shill for whatever garbage he's told to spew out by his Republican masters (he did a lot of it, including lying through his teeth about President Obama's "you didn't build that" comments, as Virginia Victory 2012 chair this past election cycle). Second, as I wrote in August 2010, the guy's a piece of work in general, including being a protege of Frank "Big Lie" Luntz (among other things, Luntz "renamed the estate tax the “death tax” and told Republicans to lie and call healthcare reform a 'government takeover' of the medical system."). It's not a pretty picture: check out the "flip" for the sordid details.
Next, we get New Republican Media Strategies CEO Pete Snyder. For those of you who aren't aware, Snyder is a big-time Republican (was senior political director for Frank Luntz, polled for Rudy Giuliani, "regularly appears as a conservative commentator and marketing expert on the Fox News Channel"), donor to Virginia Republicans, and "free market" (aka, corporate welfare, trading off political connections) proponent who I hear plans to run for Virginia Lieutenant Governor (or possibly state legislature) in 2013. Given all that, Snyder's speech doesn't disappoint, giving McDonnell credit for singlehandedly producing the (mythical) $400 million not-a-surplus. Following that howler, Snyder proceeds to give shoutouts to his "special people" - Secretary of Commerce, Delegate Dave Albo (R- Booze, Abuser Fees), Del. Barbara Comstock (R-Blinded by the Right), Del. Jim Lemunyon (R-Oakton), and believe it or not Fred "Jew Counter" Malek (also, what on earth are Del. Patrick Hope and Del. Mark Keam doing at this travesty?). Snyder then proceeds to gloss over the fact that the federal government was largely responsible for creating and nurturing the internet and communications infrastructure that makes Snyder's business possible. He even makes a lame, but apparently de rigeur, joke about the internet being created in "Al Gore's basement." Hahahahaha. Ha. Oh, and the whole reason why Snyder's business has expanded is because of (his) "hard work", as opposed to: a) the federal government creating and maintaining much of the technology and infrastructure he uses; b) clients like the warm-and-fuzzy "Clean Coal" crowd (note: I hear they moved their staff way to the right when they got that contract), not to mention the Jack Abramoff/Northern Marianas Islands slave labor/Roy Blunt/Tom DeLay connection). Ee gads. "Hard work" indeed. More like trading off of their ties to powerful, unscrupulous, Republican lawmakers.
Of course, being a right-wingnut and a slimeball is no obstacle to seeking, or even obtaining, the Republican Party's nomination for public office these days. I guess what remains to be seen is whether Pete Snyder will be able to compete with the likes of Corey Stewart, Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, Scott Lingamfelter, E.W. Jackson, State Sen. Stephen Martin, Stafford County Board Chair Susan Stimpson, or god knows what other right wingnuts throw their (tinfoil?) hats in the ring. Ee gads.