
Saturday, July 14, 2012

President Obama in Richmond

From the pool report by Wesley Hester of the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Air Force 1 touched down in Richmond at 10:56 a.m., a few minutes behind schedule.A group of about 75 guests await POTUS on the tarmac at Richmond International Airport, including Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones.
POTUS disembarked at 11:10 wearing tan slacks, a dress shirt and a blue blazer. He was greeted by a line of 14 guests, led by Mayor Dwight C. Jones. After posing for a group photo, he removed his blazer and greeted guests in a pen on the tarmac.
"How's it going, everybody," he said as he approached to cheers from the crowd. "It's good to be back in Richmond."
POTUS shook hands with adults and high-fived a few kids.
Motorcade left at 11:20. Next stop a mystery.

UPDATE 11:50 am: Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) tweets, "Everyone bracing.. It's about to the #Obama event.. Get ready.." @ryanobles adds, "Crowd at #Obama event remains enthusastic despite rain.. it actually probably cooled them off."UPDATE 11:59 am: Washington Examiner reporter ‏@scontorno (Steve Contorno) tweets, "It is really coming down now as Rep. Bobby Scott is speaking. Thunder in the distance."
UPDATE 12:05 pm: @ryanobles tweets, "At the podium now, Sen. @DonMcEachinVA... giving a firey [sic] speech to the crowd being covered by rain."
UPDATE 12:16 pm: President Obama speaking now in the pouring rain. #DEDICATION!
UPDATE 12:30 pm: President Obama reminding everyone that we tried Republican economic policies - deregulation and tax cuts for the rich - over the past decade and THEY DID NOT WORK. Why would we want to go back to top-down economics? Obama says he supports middle-up/bottom-up economics.

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