
Saturday, July 14, 2012

President Obama Comes to Centreville

UPDATE 4:24 pm: President Obama is now speaking at Centreville High School. Click on the image above for the CSPAN video feed.
UPDATE 3:58 pm: Pool report by Sean Lengell of the Washington Times - "AF1 landed at Dulles at 3:19 pm. Motorcade rolling to campaign stop Clifton, Va."
lowkell :: President Obama Comes to Centreville

Photo courtesy of Rep. Connolly's Chief of Staff James Walkinshaw, who writes "Racist for Romney here to protest." So, let's get this straight, the guy who went to France to dodge the Vietnam War, who is richer than 99.99% of Americans, who keeps much (most?) of his money overseas (in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, etc.) is the REAL American, but the quintessentially American Barack Obama is not?  Gotcha!
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Photo: Centreville, VA Hearts Obama! (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Courtesy of Jonathan Marrero, Virginia Digital Director - Obama for America.

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Another excellent photo by Jonathan Marrero (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Rep. Connolly warms up crowd (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Meanwhile, does Bob McDonnell agree with Bill Bolling that 50%+ (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
of Virginians should "check into a mental hospital?"
Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, who took the role of GOP "greeter" before the Obama's event, said Saturday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney understands the importance of Virginia.Romney made a two-day, two-event visit to the state two weeks ago with stops in Salem and Sterling.
Bolling, who serves as state chairman for the Romney campaign, said in an interview withy the Daily Press that Obama "fundamentally doesn't understand how the economy works," calling the president's focus on the middle- and working-class "divisive politics."
"Take a look at what the president has done the past four years and then do exactly the opposite if you want to get the economy moving again," Bolling added.
Bolling said that if people think Obama has done a good job over the past three years , they should vote for him - then "check themselves into a mental hospital."
Yeah, and WE are the ones who are divisive?!?!?!?!?

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Photo from Centreville by Del. Keam (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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