
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Video, Photos: 12,000+ People Surround White House Demanding a Stop to Dirty Tar Sands Pipeline

We now bring you this short break from the Virginia elections for a matter of extreme urgency for our planet: I was at Lafayette Park and around the White House today, participating in and covering the massive protest against the proposed Keystone XL dirty tar sands oil pipeline from Canada to the U.S. For now, I'm mainly going to focus on getting video and photos (click here for my Flickr set) up (see the "flip"). Let me just say GREAT job by the amazing, indefatigable environmental activist Bill McKibben for organizing this. Also, in general, there was tremendous energy there today, tons of young people, totally peaceful (yet determined), demanding forcefully that President Obama keep his promise to stop the destruction of this planet's climate and to get us off of our oil addiction. I couldn't agree more. P.S. Good seeing The Green Miles there, although we got separated early on and never ran into each other again in the enormous crowd.