
Friday, November 4, 2011

Loudoun Republican Urges People to Thank Communist Soviet Veteran?!? FAIL!

The continuing laughingstock/horror show that the Loudoun County Republicans have devolved into just got even worse. In yet another great scoop for Too Conservative, it turns out that right-wing Republican State Senate candidate Patricia Phillips has gone even MORE off the deep end than she usually is. Check this out, and choose whether to laugh, cry, or simply feel pity, as yet another Loudoun County Republican (joining Dick Black, Eugene Delgaudio, Mark Sell, etc.) demonstrates gross incompetence and craziness. Where on earth do the FIND these people?!?
In one robocall apparently intended for Democratic voters, a "concerned citizen" calls Herring a "traitor" and more for voting WITH Governor McDonnell on transportation issues, then signs off with "Paid for and authorized by Patricia Phillips for Senate." Huh?  Vote for the Republican because the Democrat is too Republican?Then, in  a recent mailer, she calls out Herring for not thanking veterans -using a picture of a SOVIET officer.  Look closely and you'll even see the "CCCP" in one of the medals on his chest.

P.S. By the way, the "Too Conservative" blog, and particularly "Loudoun Insider," is wildly outpacing all other Virginia Republican blogs/bloggers in original reporting, quality (and quantity) of writing, and also courageous willingness to call out their own "side" for outrageous behavior. Kudos; that's blogging at its best right there!