
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

McDonnell Backing Down on Sledd?

I'm not sure why it's so difficult for Bob McDonnell to realize that allowing cabinet officials to serve on corporate boards is unethical, but apparently it is "so difficult".
McDonnell hinted that his appointee as secretary of commerce and trade, Robert C. Sledd of Richmond, might quit two corporate boards because of criticism that the dual roles might constitute a conflict of interest. While he said he expects the legislature to confirm Sledd, McDonnell said he did not want his nominee to get bogged down in controversy.
I love it, Sledd "might" quit the corporate boards? How about he will quit the corporate boards or McDonnell won't let him be in the cabinet? I also love McDonnell's reasoning, not that the Sledd arrangement is simply wrong but that it might mire him in "controversy." Nice to see that our soon-to-be governor cares more about political appearances than simply doing what's right.

P.S. Norm Leahy writes, "Now for the hard part...actually doing what's right." Vivian Paige says, "It appears that McDonnell is concerned about the appearance of impropriety here – and that’s a good thing." Yeah, but how about not creating the impropriety in the first place?!?