
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ken Cuccinelli: No-Class Nutjob

We already knew that Attorney General-elect Ken Cuccinelli was a climate-change-denying, homophobic, flat-earth, anti-science, black helicopter, tea partying, right-wing nutjob. But one thing I'd always heard, even from Democrats, was that Cooch was a "nice guy." Well, so much for that saving grace.
Attorney General-elect Ken Cuccinelli this morning responded directly to criticisms from advocate advocate Claire Guthrie Gastanaga, who was Virginia's first female chief deputy attorney general, complaining that Cuccinelli has appointed fewer women to management positions than any other AG in recent memory. (Cuccinelli's office will be the first since 1982 that does not have a woman serving as a deputy attorney general.)

"Claire's ability to run her mouth helped get us votes," Cuccinelli said of Gastanaga, who was long been a political opponent of Cuccinelli. For instance, Gastanaga ran the unsuccessful campaign that urged voters to reject the amendment to Virginia's constitution banning gay marriage. "She scared the bejeesus out of enough people about what would happen if Steve Shannon were elected attorney general." Shannon was Cuccinelli's Democratic opponent.
Gastanage responded to Cooch that "It is interesting that the new attorney general thought the way to respond to a substantive concern was to seek to disparage me personally." Yes, because ad hominem attacks by Virginia's Attorney General-elect against a woman who raised a legitimate issue are so mature and statesmanlike. Not. Unfortunately, our next Attorney General is nothing but a no-class nutjob. Also unfortunately, it's going to be a looooong four years with this guy in Richmond.