
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

John Whitehead Named "Worst Person" for Letter to Perriello

The Charlottesville Daily Progress reports:
MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann named Albemarle County’s John W. Whitehead as the “worst person in the world” during his Monday night broadcast.

Whitehead was selected for the superlative insult because he sent a letter last week to U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello, D-Ivy, urging the freshman congressman to relocate his office to a site where opponents could more easily protest.


In his nightly commentary on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” Olbermann noted that members of the anti-government spending Tea Party movement in Perriello’s district have publicly considered burning the congressman in effigy.

“Whitehead wants Perriello to move his office to make it easier for the teabaggers to protest him,” Olbermann said.
Yeah, great idea by John Whitehead. And for his next suggestion, Whitehead proposes that Perriello come out of his office and stand really still so tea baggers can pelt him with tomatoes more easily? Heh.