
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Al Gore: Pass Climate Bill By Earth Day 2010

According to Politico:
Former Vice President Al Gore called on President Barack Obama to pass a climate bill by April 22 — the next Earth Day – in a Tuesday speech at the international climate talks in Copenhagen.

“As a citizen of the United States, and no more, I will ask those among my fellow citizens who share my sense of urgency to join in asking President Obama and the leadership of the United States Senate to set a deadline of April 22, 2010—the 40th anniversary of Earth Day—for final action on U.S. legislation,” Gore said.
Meanwhile, Gallup has a new poll indicating that Americans support, by a 55%-38% margin, "signing a binding treaty in Copenhagen that would commit the U.S. to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emission." Democrats overwhelming (79%-14%) support signing a treaty, while independents strongly (55%-38%) support it. Guess who does not support signing a climate change treaty? You got it, the Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh Party, aka, the "Republicans." Other than that, Americans are strongly behind taking action on global warming. Let's get this done!