
Monday, August 3, 2009

Pat Mullins Believes Victims of Bush Recession "preferred to be on welfare?"

From a Democratic Party of Virginia press release I just received, this is mindboggling in its insensitivity and stupidity:
As Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds continues his tour of "Deeds Country" today, Bob McDonnell and his campaign continue to demonstrate why Virginians can't afford to let them take the state backwards.

While speaking to people in Monterey last week, top McDonnell surrogate and Republican Party of Virginia chair Pat Mullins articulated a cynical and offensive view of the many Virginians struggling to find work as a result of Bush Administration economic policies:

"He ended his talk with a story about a Wise County insurance office that had to close two offices, not due to lack of work or the economy, but because it couldn't find employees. He said the employer tried to recruit employees at a nearby college campus. 'They preferred to be on welfare,' Mullins said." -- (The Record, 7/30/09)
Utterly pathetic by McDonnell's mouthpiece, Pat Mullins. Of course, this is the typical super-harsh attitude from these people, that if you're out of work (or anything else bad happened to you) then of course you did something to deserve it, you're not trying hard enough, you're a bum, etc, etc. Also keep in mind that these are the same people who turned down federal stimulus money - our own tax money that we've already paid into the system, by the way - to help unemployed Virginians through the Bush/Republican Recession. I guess that's what they consider "compassionate conservatism" these days: no compassion, lots of "conservatism."