
Monday, August 3, 2009

68% of Virginia Republicans are "Birthers!!"

Frighteningly, that's what it looks like:
Here's an advance look at a new Public Policy Polling survey in Virginia completed over the weekend: An astonishing 41% of the state's Republicans think President Obama was not born in the United States while just 32% think he was and 27% are still not sure.
That's right, two thirds (68%) of Virginia Republicans either aren't "sure" about the totally factual information that President Obama was born in the United States, or actually buy into the Catherine Crabill/Cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs lunacy that he wasn't born in the United States! Of course, many of these people also don't "believe" in the overwhelming science behind evolution, anthropogenic climate change, the "big bang," etc. etc. They also believe that health care reform equates to "socialized medicine," that the "free market" really has the answers to everything, and that if you're unemployed thanks to the Great Bush/Republican Recession it means you "prefer to be on welfare." So what else would you expect from them?

P.S. Statistically speaking, PPP's results mean that we'd expect two of the three candidates on the Republican ticket this year in Virginia to be "birthers." Also, two of every three Republican House of Delegates candidates are probably "birthers." As far as I'm concerned, anyone who believes this crap should be automatically disqualified from holding public office by reason of stupidity and lunacy.