*Tim Kaine has fallen from an approval rating of 49/38 (+11) just a month ago to 42/40 (+2) now. Yikes.
*Barack Obama has fallen from 48/46 (+2) approval last month to 42/51 (-9) this month. Double yikes.
*Mark Warner remains popular at 56/32 (+24), compared to 57/31 (+26) last month, so at least it's not all Democrats.
*"Only 14% of Virginia voters say they’re more likely to vote for Creigh Deeds because of Obama campaigning for him, while 37% say they’re less likely to do so."
*"Only 53% of Virginia voters believe that Obama was born in the United States, while 24% think he was not and 24% are unsure."
*"36% of Bob McDonnell's supporters think Obama was not born here while 33% think he was and 31% are not sure."
*From PPP's twitter feed: "rural voters most likely to be birthers, sure there's a strong correlation with education level and maybe income."