
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More on Republican Mob Rule: Tombstones, Nazi Lettering, Hanging in Effigy

The following (courtesy of Speaker Pelosi's office, forwarded to me by Rep. Connolly's office) is what Republicans are up to during August recess. Lovely, eh?
Threatening Messages

Texas protestors bring sign that displays a tombstone with the name of Rep. Lloyd Doggett. [New York Times, 8/4/09]

“… much like those angry crowds that populated McCain and Palin rallies last fall (recall ‘he's an Arab’), there is danger in such raw passion… Go to about… the 2:00 minute mark [of the much-watched Lloyd Doggett video] and you'll find a guy carrying a kid on his shoulders and hoisting a sign with the Nazi ‘SS’ lettering.” [Politico, 8/3/09]

“… the GOP has a serious problem… [after the] hanging freshman Maryland Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil in effigy [note the creepily expert knotted noose] with a placard ‘Congress Traitors The American [and a word that looks like ‘idol’]… The event -- a rally in Salisbury, Md. on the Eastern Shore -- was attended by members of the business-funded Americans for Prosperity…” [Politico, 7/28/09]


The website of Republican Leader John Boehner applauds and links to clips of disruptions and promises “a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress.” [, 8/3/09]