
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let's Just Hope Del. Phil Hamilton Isn't Teaching Ethics!

Check out the above letter (click to "embiggen") that was received from Del. Philip Hamilton (R-93) in response to a FOIA request that the Democratic Party of Virginia submitted earlier this month. DPVA Communications Director Allison Jaslow responds:
It's remarkable that Mr. Hamilton secured $500,000 a year in state funds for this center without exchanging any correspondence with Old Dominion University. We hope Mr. Hamilton will explain how he knew what the center needed without exchanging an email or letter.
Oh, and Hamilton also arranged a cushy $40,000-a-year consulting gig at a teacher training center without exchanging a single email or letter as well. Impressive, huh?

P.S. For more on this story, see here.

P.P.S. Go Robin Abbott!