
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chuck Grassley's "Deather" Comments Demonstrate Where Bipartisanship Gets You These Days

Wow, isn't this a big surprise?
[Senator Chuck] Grassley [R-IA] told a crowd in Afton that the U.S. has the best health care system in the world and that he won't "nationize healthcare" or "do anything that allows Washington between a doctor and you." Grassley also claimed that Obama "is pursuing a partisan bill." While in Winterset, Grassley promoted the latest bogus Republican talking point about killing Granny.

Yes, he went there.
That's right, Chuck Grassley the "moderate" is repeating the insane rantings of the "deathers," that there's something about health care reform that will lead to "government bureaucrats" (having worked as one, I can tell you they're the evil of all evil - lol) "pull[ing] the plug on grandma." Well, alrighty then! I mean, if Grassley is one of the "moderates" in the GOP, I'd hate to see the real right wingers! :)

Oh, and to make matters even better, Grassley's crazy comments came, as MyDD points out, just one day after "President Barack Obama had nice things to say about [Grassley]."

So much for bipartisanship with these people. Apparently, they're all "deathers" or "birthers" or some such crazy thing.