
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Endorse Creigh Deeds

From Creigh Deeds' Facebook page:
Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards said:

"As governor, he will promote commonsense policies on women's health, support comprehensive sex education to keep our young people healthy and safe, and invest in prevention programs that help prevent unintended and teen pregnancies, and lead to healthy outcomes for women. We will do all we can to help Creigh Deeds get elected."

In an event this Friday, Creigh was joined by Cecile, Laura Meyers, Chair of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, Jessica Honke, the Director of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, and Virginia student members of Planned Parenthood Youth Summit to make the exciting announcement...
This is one area where Creigh Deeds and I strongly agree; a woman's right to choose, but also helping women avoid unwanted pregnancies, thereby resulting in fewer abortions. "Safe, legal and rare": I believe that's the goal of the vast majority of Americans when it comes to abortion.