
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Disgraceful Comments by Fox News "Military Analyst" on Captured American Soldier

Remember, as you watch this and read the transcript, that Ralph Peters is identified as a Fox News "military analyst" and apparently is a frequent guest at Fox News. Also, just imagine what the right wingnuts would be saying if a "liberal" or a Democrat had said the disgusting, traitorous things Peters said on Faux:
... On that video, he is collaborating with the enemy. Under duress or not - that's really not relevant - he's making accusations about the behavior of the military in Afghanistan that are unfounded, saying that there are no rules, he's lying about how he was captured, saying he lagged behind the patrol. Julie, I'll tell you, any 11th bravo infantrymen will tell you, that's not how it works. In a war zone, any soldier is aware of where all his buddies are. If it's a night patrol, you're sure aware of where the guy in front of you and behind you is. So we know that this private is a liar. We're not sure if he's a deserter. But the media needs to hit the pause button, and not portray this guy as a hero.


Now look, Julie, I want to be clear. If, when the facts are in, we find out that through some convoluted chain of events, he really was captured by the Taliban, I'm with him. But, if he walked away from his post and his buddies at wartime... I don't care how hard it sounds, as far as I'm concerned, the Taliban can save us a lot of legal hassles and legal bills.
That's right, a Fox "News" (using the term extremely loosely) "analyst" (also using the term extremely loosely) just advocated the murder of a U.S. serviceman captured by the Taliban. I know this is protected speech under the First Amendment and all, but I'll tell you, this is really pushing the limits...

P.S. For more on this story, see here.