Monday, May 4, 2009
Two Positive Campaigns...and That Other One
Terry McAuliffe, running a positive campaign based on growing the economy, creating jobs (particularly in the "green" and "clean tech" areas), and innovative ideas for Virginia. Positivity Grade: A
Creigh Deeds, running a positive campaign based on his experience as a legislator, his commitment to education and working people. Yes, he's taken a few shots, including at both Terry (basically inconsequential ones on Donald Trump and trade) and Brian (on "tainted defense contractors who have received million dollar earmarks from an older brother in Congress"), but overall, his campaign has been fairly positive. That includes this excellent, positive ad that just went up in parts of Virginia. Positivity Grade: B
And then there's the Moran campaign, which has been highly negative, first against Creigh Deeds starting over a year ago when it was just the two of them, then against the other two Democratic candidates after Terry McAuliffe entered the race. Positivity Grade: I (incomplete, because Moran hasn't yet told us what HIS positive vision is for Virginia, only what's supposedly bad about his opponents, particularly Terry McAuliffe). Sad.