
Monday, May 4, 2009

Jeff Frederick to Make "Big Announcement" Today

Former RPV chair Jeff Frederick just tweeted this:

Headed to meetings. Making a big announcement today.

So, what could the big announcement be, now that Republicans have fired Frederick and selected Pat Mullins as his replacement? A few possibilities, serious and not-so-serious:

1. He's somehow running for House of Delegates again, even though the filing deadline for the Republican primary has passed.

2. He's running for RPV chair at the May 29-30 Republican convention.

3. He's running for president in 2012.

4. He's switching parties to something more right wing than the Republican Party of Virginia.

5. He's running for governor as an independent.

6. After his humiliation the past few months, he's leaving public life joining a monastery.

7. He's hitting the road and will lead Tea Parties all across America.

8. He's moving to Texas and voting to secede from America.

9. He's going on the Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann.

10. He's starting Jeff Frederick University, where they will teach that evolution is false, that every sperm is sacred, and that even one penny of taxes is an evil commie-liberal plot to destroy freedom/take your guns away/force you to marry another guy (if you're a guy) or another girl (if you're a girl).

Any other possibilities?