
Monday, May 18, 2009

Terry McAuliffe: "Setting the record straight"

I just received this from the McAuliffe campaign:
Brian Moran's campaign has reached a new low. Last night they unveiled a false attack ad, set to air on African-American radio stations, that's deliberately designed to deceive voters into believing Terry opposed Barack Obama's candidacy last November.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Immediately after the primary, Terry led the charge for Democrats to unite behind Barack Obama. The Obama campaign asked Terry to campaign on its behalf and Terry held dozens and dozens of events in Virginia and across the country - making the case that President Obama was the right person to turn the page on eight devastating years of Republican rule and restore the promise of America. The Obama campaign trumpeted Terry's support -- releasing professional web videos of Terry's campaign stops in Virginia and other swing states.

We put together our own video that chronicles just a small portion of the work that Terry did for the Obama campaign, and we're counting on you to set the record straight.

At a time when so many families are facing real financial hardship and are just struggling to pay the bills, you'd hope that our gubernatorial candidates would focus on how to grow the economy and move Virginia forward. But not Brian Moran. He's rehashing old campaign battles and dividing Democrats - all in a shameless attempt to score a few cheap political points. These are exactly the kind of slash-and-burn tactics voters rejected when we elected Barack Obama.

Virginia Democrats deserve better. That's why Terry's focusing on solutions to the economic crisis - so that we can create the jobs of the future and help Virginia families get through these tough times. The Richmond Times-Dispatch wrote that, "McAuliffe invites other contenders to focus on issues of genuine substance rather than petty personal attacks and cheap, zinger-of-the-day point-scoring…. [H]is substantive pitches have raised expectations and pointed the way toward a different, more high-toned campaign."

But with just 22 days to go until Election Day, we need to aggressively respond to the false attacks our opponents are hurling at Terry. And you can help us fight back by making a contribution to Terry's campaign.

Right now, we're under full-scale assault. Both of our opponents are running false attack ads against Terry, and we need the resources to run ads setting the record straight while continuing to communicate Terry's positive vision for Virginia. We're counting on your help to make that happen.

This is your campaign, and there's no way we'd be in the position we're in without everything that you've done. I can't thank you enough. There are just 22 days left until the election on June 9th. So please keep up the hard work all the way to the end.

Mike Henry
Campaign Manager

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