
Monday, May 18, 2009

Leslie Byrne Endorses Mike Signer for LG

From LeslieByrne's Facebook page:

Sorry to see Bowerbank suspend his LG bid. Last progressive standing is Mike Signer-You've got my support Mike.

Thanks Leslie, you rock! By the way, back in July 2008, three of the four Democratic LG candidates - Phil Puckett, Chap Petersen, and Leslie Byrne (the nominee) - from 2005 endorsed Jon Bowerbank. Now, 1 of them (Puckett) has endorsed Jody Wagner while 1 of them (Leslie Byrne) has endorsed Mike Signer. That leaves Chap Petersen, and possibly Viola Baskerville, who hasn't endorsed anyone yet as far as I'm aware.

h/t to Ben for letting me know about this