
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RPV Attacks Terry McAuliffe for Being Pro-Worker!

The Republican Party of Virginia (aka, the party of Jeff Frederick and now Pat Mullins) attacking Terry McAuliffe for being pro-worker, pro-union is hilarious on several levels. First, it makes it completely obvious who the RPV is most worried about as the Democratic nominee and also who's going to win on June 9 (hence the attack on Terry). Second, the RPV really wants to emphasize that it's the anti-worker, anti-union party? What, did they "focus group" a "Republicans are anti-worker" message and find it's a big winner for them? Ha. Finally, the concept that Terry McAuliffe broke the law (!) in hiring union workers is almost Orwellian in its lunacy. This has got be a bad joke, right? My god, these people are crazy.

[NOTE: Please click on the images to "embiggen" them. Thanks, and enjoy the laugh!]