
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Best Moment in All the Governor's Debates This Year

Also, check this out from the McAuliffe campaign:
The Final Debate

The reviews are in. News outlets reported Terry was "unfazed," "jovial", "confident and carefree," while his opponents engaged in "McAuliffe bashing," "going after [Terry] with a bit of a vengeance" in their fifth and final debate. WTOP political analyst Mark Plotkin said Terry "definitely dominates at these debates - feels very relaxed, very comfortable, very much at ease." And The Hill ran with the headline: "McAuliffe emerges as leading candidate in VA primary."

The most telling moment of the afternoon occurred when Creigh Deeds disparagingly asked Terry how he planned to implement all the proposals he's put forward on the campaign trail. Terry was all over it. Taking the opportunity to reinforce his positive vision for growing Virginia's economy, Terry delivered the best line of the debate: "John Kennedy didn't say we're taking the rocket halfway to the moon -- it goes all the way to the moon. That's how I think."