
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SurveyUSA: McAuliffe 38%, Deeds 22%, Moran 22%

Awesome news for us Terry fans courtesy of SurveyUSA:
If the Democratic Primary for Virginia Governor were today, who would you vote for? (candidate names rotated) Creigh Deeds? Terry McAuliffe? Or Brian Moran?

22% Deeds
38% McAuliffe
22% Moran
18% Other / Undecided

Obviously, Terry's message about jobs and the economy, combined with his upbeat personality and energy, are winning over Virginia voters in large numbers as they start to really tune in to this campaign. Significantly, this poll is the first since debates began in earnest, but it also comes before Terry really starts his advertising blitz (which the other two campaigns almost certainly won't be able to match). In short, it's looking great for Terry with just 42 days to go. Now, the key is not to get overconfident but to keep up the hard work through June 9. Then, we can turn our attention to the one we REALLY need to be going after, Bob McDonnell. I can't wait!

P.S. McDonnell's numbers are very weak considering that Democrats have been in the midst of a hard-fought primary while he is unopposed. The fact that he's only at 44%-46% shouldn't make Republicans happy, as these numbers are likely within a few points of McDonnell's ceiling in "purplish-blue" Virginia.

UPDATE: A new TV ad is on the air in Roanoke. Check it out!