
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter Switches Parties, 60 Votes Here We Come!

Fillibuster-proof 60-vote Senate majority, here we come! :)
Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter will switch his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat and announced today that he will run in 2010 as a Democrat, according to sources informed on the decision.

Specter's decision would give Democrats a 60 seat filibuster proof majority in the Senate assuming Democrat Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next Senator from Minnesota. (Former Sen. Norm Coleman is appealing Franken's victory in the state Supreme Court.)
Awesome news and a brilliant decision by Senator Specter, who now all but guarantees his reelection in 2010. Welcome to the Democratic Party, sir!

P.S. Now, let's get Al Franken - who WON THE FREAKING ELECTION LAST NOVEMBER - seated already. Then, let's move this country forward on health care, education, environment, and a lot more areas!

UPDATE: I've added Specter's statement to the comments section.

UPDATE #2: According to Progressive Punch, Senator Specter was the most progressive Republican, but still behind all Democrats. Maybe the party change will free him up to be more progressive, at least I hope so!

UPDATE #3: One more nail in the coffin for the Republican Party, now almost completely dead in the Northeast, the Pacific coast, and increasingly the Desert Southwest and Midwest. Oh yeah, and here in Virginia, we've got both US Senate seats, 6 of 11 House of Representatives, the governor's mansion, the state Senate, and closing in on the House of Delegates. Rock and roll!

UPDATE #4: DNC Chair Tim Kaine enthusiastically welcomes Arlen Specter to the Democratic Party.
"I am pleased to offer Senator Specter my sincere congratulations on his decision to join the Democratic Party and I welcome him with open arms,” said DNC Chairman Kaine. “Over nearly three decades in the United States Senate, Senator Specter has represented the people of Pennsylvania with honor, conviction, and an allegiance to deeply held principles that I know will continue to inform his decisions as a member of the Democratic caucus. Senator Specter courageously supported the President's economic recovery package while most Republicans played politics with our nation's economy. The Senator's willingness to set politics aside and be part of finding solutions to our nation's problems will find a welcome reception in the Democratic Party. Coming on the heels of Democrat Scott Murphy's victory in a Republican leaning congressional district in New York state, Senator Specter's decision is additional proof that the Republican Party is in serious trouble because it has lost touch with the American people and their desire for change which was so on display in November.

"As Senator Specter noted, the Republican Party has drifted far to the right and seems more interested in ideology, conflict and obstruction than in working constructively to address the nation's problems, and no longer appeals to moderates, including Senator Specter. I commend Senator Specter on his decision to work with President Obama and Senate Democrats to help turn our economy around, create jobs and put the country back on the right track. We are thrilled to welcome Senator Specter into the Democratic fold and he can count on our full support."