this out:
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) is launching a “Solutions Center” to “address simple questions Americans are asking themselves in the face of economic calamity.” Cantor told Politico that his goal is to “answer the questions with Republican proposals that contrast starkly with legislation offered by President Barack Obama and his congressional allies.” With the help of a number of different cartoon characters, Cantor’s “Solutions Center,” answers just four questions. The answer to every question — some form of cut taxes, cut spending, or both — is presented in the form of GOP talking points with a link to a briefing document rehashing already proposed and rejected GOP alternatives.
"How will I keep my job?" Start by making sure you don't vote Republican or support their supply-side, trickle-down, soak-the-middle-class, let-Wall-Stree-run-amok policies. Unless you prefer Eric Cantor's (bad) cartoon version of reality, that is. Heh.