[Arlington County] Board members reversed a plan to demolish the Gulf Branch Nature Center and partially or completely restored library hours for three branches. But recreation centers' hours and other services were scaled back, and officials cut 95 positions countywide. All of those employees have found other county jobs or taken voluntary severance packages, officials said.This reversal by Arlington County was the direct result of citizen activism, including emails, blog posts, Facebook groups, in-person testimony and other protests by concerned (or even enraged) citizens of Arlington County. It demonstrates that our elected officials will respond if they hear about something loudly and persistently enough not just from corporate or well-heeled interests, but from "we, the people." In this case, great job by the people of Arlington, but this could happen anywhere in Virginia. So, what do you care about in YOUR community? Whatever it is, speak up!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Citizen Activism Pays Off: Nature Center and Library Hours Saved
The Washington Post reports some good news this morning: