
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bob McDonnell: Fossil Fuels Forever!

Wow, what a visionary. Faced with the threats of global climate change ("global weirding" as Tom Friedman calls it), other environmental problems associated with the production and consumption of fossil fuels, dependence on oil (and, to a lesser extent, natural gas) imports from unstable/repressive/terrorist-supporting countries, and the damage that reliance on imported "traditional fuel" does to our economy, what does Bob McDonnell have to offer us? Here's McDonnell:

"We know we're going to use traditional resources for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years or more."

In other words, "fossil fuels forever," even when we need to move as rapidly as possible - for urgent economic, national security and environmental reasons - to get off of fossil fuels. I guess that's what it means to be a "conservative" these days, not having any vision for the future or ability to confront the dire challenges - but also the tremendous opportunities, on the flip side - that we face. The fact is, we don't have nearly the oil, natural gas or coal reserves here in Virginia to "drill our way out of it" (whatever you think "it" is). Sadly, McDonnell's cluelessness on this issue, even citing a bizarre "study" on offshore oil and gas potential by a global warming "skeptic" who calls environmentalists "very sick people." Great stuff, huh?

P.S. By the way, don't you just love how Bob McDonnell is willing to accept federal money for energy R&D, but not $125 million to help unemployed Virginians make it through this terrible economy right now? I guess Bob McDonnell has his priorities.