
Friday, March 20, 2009

Stevens Miller to Get the "Rust" Out?

Great news for all of us who want to get the "Rust" out - Del. Thomas Davis Rust (R-86), that is. :)
Loudoun County Supervisor Stevens Miller (D-Dulles) has announced he will run for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

The first-term supervisor will try to unseat Del. Thomas Davis Rust (R-Fairfax) in the fall election. Miller moved in February to Sterling in the 86th District, which includes parts of eastern Loudoun and western Fairfax County.

Is Del. Rust vulnerable this year? True, Rust was reelected in 2007, but with an unimpressive 52.75% of the vote (against the underfunded Jay Donahue). Also worth noting is that, in 2008, Barack Obama carried the 86th with 63% of the vote, while Mark Warner won 70%. So, yes, I'd say that Del. Rust is most definitely vulnerable this year to a strong challenger, which he now appears to have gotten in Supervisor Stevens Miller. Bottom line: it's high time to get the "Rust" out in the 86th!