
Friday, March 20, 2009

Dana Milbank: Terry McAuliffe a "good bet to win" in June (and that's no "trash" talk)

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank has a humorous (as usual) column in today's paper. Entitled, "McAuliffe's Campaign Junk-et," it talks about Terry's love for trash - literally!
"This is as good as it gets," McAuliffe said. "How exciting is this?" Nodding, grinning, he shouted above the mechanical groans: "Look at those claws!"

Actually, the place was a dump. And that's how McAuliffe likes it. Not since Oscar the Grouch has a creature so enjoyed his trash.

How do you turn a fast-talking, hard-partying Democratic Party apparatchik from New York who lives in McLean into a Virginia commoner? Evidently, you get him involved in solid waste. McAuliffe's campaign for governor is based in no small part on garbage.

The Macker has always comported himself with the boundless enthusiasm of a Bernese mountain dog...
That's exactly what got me excited about Terry McAuliffe last fall when I met him; his boundless enthusiasm, like a "Bernese mountain dog," for life, for politics, even for garbage! And, listening to Terry's conference call last night with 6,136 of my fellow Virginians, I got the feeling that - as Dana Milbank writes - "[s]omething McAuliffe is doing must be working."

In the end, Milbank concludes that Terry is "in his element" right now, that he's having fun, and most significantly, that "he is considered a good bet to win the Democratic gubernatorial primary in June." Personally, I wouldn't be betting against the guy who just looooooves chicken waste! :)