
Friday, February 27, 2009

What Does Bob McDonnell Have Against Virginia Law Enforcement?

That headline refers to comments by Norfolk Sheriff Bob McCabe and Washington County Sheriff Fred Newman on a conference call this morning about Bob McDonnell opposing stimulus money for Virginia. Also on the call were Alexandria Mayor Bill Euille and Henry County Supervisor Paula Burnette.

According to Sheriff McCabe, Norfolk's already staving off serious cuts to law enforcement. Without the stimulus money from the federal government, there would have been "massive layoffs." Already, his department is understaffed and struggling to have deputies on the street. Rejecting the stimulus money would "just add to the problems" he's facing.

Sheriff Newman says that the last thing we need to do is downsize law enforcement during an economic downturn that is causing increased property and drug crimes. The economic stimulus package is a "win-win for everyone," which is why he can't understand why Bob McDonnell (and several Republican governors) would turn down the money. "We need our funds," Newman said, "especially here in southwest Virginia."

Mayor Euille said that this stimulus package is critical to our economic future, to investment in transportation infrastructure, etc. The stance that McDonnell is taking on this indicates that he is out of touch with what Virginia cities and counties need.. How would McDonnell propose balancing the budget without the stimulus funds? Unfortunately, McDonnell appears to be simply upholding the unfortunate position of the national Republican Party.

Henry County supervisor Paul Burnette says that her area has been experiencing high unemployment for years, and that they need this money for transportation infrastructure, workforce retraining, etc. She doesn't understand the complaints about "strings attached," since money from the state to local governments almost always comes with such strings. This is not an acceptable reason to oppose the stimulus package. "Local government is where the rubber hits the road."

Apparently, Bob McDonnell doesn't understand the challenges and pressures faced by local government. Either that, or he does understand but he simply doesn't care. Either way, it's unacceptable.

UPDATE: See the letter to Bob McDonnell, signed by more than 50 Virginia local officials, in the comments below.